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Vice President Lu Addresses a Seminar Marking Taiwan's Admission to the World Trade Organization

Taichung, Jan. 1 (CNA) Republic of China Vice President Annette Lu called on the 23 million people of Taiwan to put aside the argument with mainland China over whether the two sides should reunite or whether there exists a "1992 consensus." "Instead, we should consider the future of Taiwan with a globalization viewpoint," Lu said.

The vice president made the remarks in a keynote speech delivered at a seminar marking Taiwan's admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) attended by some 200 pundits and experts from Taipei and Kaohsiung who met in the central city of Taichung to discuss the impact of WTO entry on Taiwan's education system, industry, economy, agriculture, diplomacy and national security.

According to Lu, mainland China is merely "an intermediary station but not a terminus for Taiwan."

She also urged the leaders of mainland China to develop a new concept to deal with the so-called "Taiwan issue."

She said Taiwan should uphold the "Taiwan spirit and the Taiwan passion" and "ride the WTO balloon" to bring Taiwanese products to every corner of the world.

She noted that the WTO is not only a mechanism for trade but also a resolution mechanism for disputes between WTO members.

However, she warned that WTO admission will also bring Taiwan a series of new challenges, especially in the agricultural sector. The unemployment rate may continue to soar "for three to six months" after Taiwan joins the WTO, she went on.

She further said that following her return from an upcoming trip to Latin America, she plans to set up a foundation for teenagers who cannot afford to continue their studies.

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