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President Chen Tours the Academia Sinica

Taipei, Feb. 14 (CNA) President Chen Shui-bian said Wednesday his administration will give full support for the Academia Sinica's ambitious plan to set up a massive genetic research center.

Chen made the pledge after hearing a briefing on the plan by Academia Sinica President Lee Yuan-tseh and several other academicians of Taiwan's highest academic body.

Noting that the recent publication of the sequencing of the human genetic code has opened a new era for medical science, Chen said he seconds Lee's view that the mapping of human genome will offer Taiwan an invaluable opportunity to compete with advanced Western countries in the global biotechnological and pharmaceutical markets.

With its achievements in life sciences and relevant research, including the genetic chip technology in recent years, Chen said, Academia Sinica is in the best position to lead Taiwan's gene-based biotech research.

Chen said his administration will throw both policy and financial support behind Lee's plan to integrate resources in the public and private sectors in opening a large genome research center.

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