President Chen Attends the "Emerging Markets, Emerging Technologies II: Asia 2001" Conference
Chairperson, Mr. Lake, distinguished guests, ladies and gentleman:
It is my privilege to attend the "Emerging Markets, Emerging Technologies II: Asia 2001" Conference. It is also a great honor for Taipei to be selected as the host for this prestigious gathering. Asian countries are currently facing economic transitions in this ever-changing global society, facilitated by the development of knowledge through the advancement of Internet and telecommunications. At this key moment, the government of the Republic of China is also faced with challenges of utilizing new technologies to lead the country through another "Economic Miracle."
E-Century Technology And Economic Globalization
Traditional industries in Asian countries are now faced with new challenges, which are how to respond to the fast-changing internet-communication developments and how to demonstrate their creativity and flexibility for new inventions. All these efforts require close cooperation between the government and the private sector, which enables the country to quickly enter the globalized economy.
Taiwan's excellent production quality and managerial skill sets have always been the thrust behind its economy. Combined with its capabilities in the information technology and other related sectors, Taiwan has then been able to play an important role in the global economy after the "second industrial revolution". In the new digital era, Taiwan industries are now experiencing the impact of technological advancement. Consequently, how to continue being creative and keen to technological development will determine Taiwan's ability to stay competitive in the global economy in the future.
The Impact of Taiwan's and China's Entry to WTO in the Asia Pacific Region
At the recent Congressional Confirmation Hearing, U.S. Trade Representative Mr. Robert Zoellick repeatedly stressed the importance of free trade, which rests upon the principle of open markets rendered by bilateral and multi-lateral trade negotiations. There is also hope that free trade will facilitate internal changes within each APEC member country. As both China and Taiwan enter WTO, low tariffs and free flow of capital will most likely put new strains on Taiwan's current economic order. Most importantly, Taiwan's national security will also be impacted. To address this new scenario, we shall reiterate our current policy [No Haste, Be Patient] towards a more practical stance.
Taiwan's New Role in the Global Context
As Taiwan joins the WTO, the demand to elevate our global competitiveness will require us to be integrated into the global economic system. However, as the realities in the international arena do not warrant Taiwan a place in international organizations, including the United Nations, Taiwan's participation in the global economy is greatly restricted. As the leader of Taiwan, I personally feel that I have the obligation and responsibility to break through Taiwan's limitations in order to create a broader horizon for Taiwan and to elevate Taiwan's position in the global context. In this new era, where transnational economic activities have gradually increased, our experiences in the development of democracy, human rights, international trade, and technology will further solidify the ties and facilitate more interactions Taiwan has with the rest of the world.
Personally, I would like to welcome all the participants again and wish all the success to this event.