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Inaugural address of ROC 15th-term President Tsai Ing-wen

On the morning of May 20, ROC 15th-term President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te attended inaugural celebrations at the Taipei Guest House. President Tsai also delivered her inaugural address.

A translation of the president's remarks follows:

Vice President Lai, esteemed guests, friends watching on TV and online, my fellow citizens across the country, good morning.

A Taiwanese Community

I feel immensely grateful to stand here once again today and take on the responsibility entrusted to me by the Taiwanese people.

This inauguration ceremony is unique in the history of the Republic of China. What makes it special is not its size or the number of people in attendance. It is special because we know how difficult it has been for us to get to this point.

I want to thank the people of Taiwan for making such a difficult feat possible.

I particularly want to thank a group of people who have not received a lot of attention over the past four months in our fight against COVID-19. I want to thank every single person who waited in line outside of the pharmacy in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for trusting the government. You have shown the world Taiwan's commitment to civic virtues, even in times of greatest distress.

I also want to thank everyone who was quarantined or isolated at home, putting up with inconvenience in your daily life to keep others safe and healthy. Thank you for exemplifying humanity's best qualities and helping us successfully bring the coronavirus outbreak under control.

This sense of pride in our country, this community's shared destiny, and the memories of these past months will live on in all of our hearts. This is what solidarity feels like.

Many ambassadors and representatives from other countries are here today, and I trust that many countries around the world are watching Taiwan as well.

I want to take this opportunity to tell you that the country you see is populated by kind and resilient people. No matter the difficulties we face, we can always count on our democracy, our solidarity, and our sense of responsibility towards each other to help us overcome challenges, weather difficult times, and stand steadfast in the world.

Unprecedented challenges and unparalleled opportunities

From January to now, Taiwan has amazed the international community twice. The first was our democratic elections, and the second was our success in the fight against COVID-19.

In recent months, Taiwan's name has appeared in headlines around the world, thanks to our successful containment of the coronavirus outbreak.

"Taiwan" is also emblazoned on the boxes of supplies we are sending abroad. The Taiwanese people have the kindest hearts in the entire world, and we will always offer help to the international community whenever we are able.

I hope that in addition to sharing in a sense of pride and joy, my fellow citizens can take to heart the spirit of "helping ourselves to help others;" "when we help ourselves, others will help us."

This pandemic has not yet ended, and we must remain vigilant. Even when it ends, its impacts will linger on.

The coronavirus has profoundly affected our world. It has changed the global political and economic order, accelerated and expanded the reorganization of global supply chains, restructured the global economy, and changed the way we live and shop. It has even changed the way the international community views Taiwan and developments in the surrounding region.

These changes present us with both challenges and opportunities. I want to ask that my fellow citizens be prepared, because countless challenges and difficulties remain ahead of us.

Over the next four years, only those who can end the pandemic within their borders, lay out a strategy for their country's survival and development, and take advantage of opportunities in the complex world of tomorrow, will be able to set themselves apart on the international stage.

It takes more than fervor to govern a country. Leadership means calmly taking the right direction in a changing world. That is precisely what I have done over the past four years.

I said before that I will leave you with a better country. So over the next four years, I will proactively develop our industries, foster a safe society, ensure national security, and deepen our democracy. I am going to reinvent Taiwan and lead our country into the future.

National Development

1. Industrial and Economic Development

I know that the Taiwanese people are most concerned about our industrial and economic development. In 2016, we initiated a new economic development model to help connect Taiwan's economy to the world. Over the past four years, despite massive changes in the international economy, Taiwan has done more than just weather the storm. Our economic growth has once again topped the Four Asian Tigers, and the stock market index now regularly breaks 10,000 points.

Thanks to our successful control of the pandemic, so far, Taiwan is able to maintain positive economic growth. This is rare in the world. However, we need to continue to take early action on economic relief and revitalization, and do whatever it takes to maintain stable economic growth.

Over the next four years, we will face more intense changes in the global economy and the accelerated reorganization of supply chains. We will continue to implement our Forward-looking Infrastructure Development and trillion NT-dollar investment programs. We will do so in the spirit of "achieving growth through stability, and seizing opportunity amid changes," in order to secure Taiwan's economic development over the coming decades.

In terms of industrial development, we are going to take advantage of the opportunities before us in six core strategic industries founded on our 5+2 Innovative Industries Program, to transform Taiwan into a critical force in the global economy.

● Six Core Strategic Industries

First, we will continue to develop our information and digital industries. We will take advantage of Taiwan's strengths in the semiconductor and ICT industries to secure a central role in global supply chains, and make Taiwan a major base for the development of next generation technologies, including IoT and AI.

Second, we are going to develop a cybersecurity industry that can integrate with 5G, digital transformation, and our national security. We will strive to create cybersecurity systems and an industrial chain that can protect our country and earn the world's trust.

Third, we are going to create biotech and medical technology industries integrated with the rest of the world. Throughout this pandemic, Taiwanese teams have proven that they are capable of working with world-class technologies to produce reagents and develop new drugs and vaccines. We are going to give these industries our utmost support, and transform Taiwan into a key force in the global battle against infectious diseases.

Fourth, we are going to develop national defense and strategic industries by integrating military and civilian capabilities. In addition to domestically-produced naval vessel and aircraft programs that are currently underway, we will push harder to promote technological integration between the military and the private sector, to stimulate private sector production capabilities, and advance into the aviation and space industries.

Fifth, we are going to accelerate the development of green energy and renewable energy industries. Over the past four years, renewable energy has experienced explosive growth, and Taiwan has become a hotspot for international investment. Building on this foundation, I am confident that we will achieve our goal of deriving 20% of our overall power generating capacity from green sources by 2025. We are going to make Taiwan a center for green energy in Asia.

Sixth, we are going to establish strategic stockpile industries that can ensure the steady provision of critical supplies. Facing changes to the global order, we need to keep key industrial chains in Taiwan and maintain a certain degree of self-sufficiency in the production of face masks, medical and daily supplies, energy, and food.

In the current international climate, countries that end their dependence on others will have a head start on national development. I would like our friends across all industries to rest assured that our government stands with you. Over the next few years, we have several strategies to drive the growth of our industries.

● Industrial Development Strategy

First, we will use domestic demand, particularly demand from the public sector and national security needs, as the basic engine for our industrial development.

A prime example of this is the way strategic demand for face masks and other medical supplies throughout this pandemic has spurred the development of related industries. We can adopt a similar model for our national defense and renewable energy industries to help accelerate their development.

We will continue to organize "national teams," like our face mask team, according to the size and conditions of different industries. We will utilize our government's guarantee of domestic demand to establish a global strategic materials manufacturing industry under the "Taiwanese brand" and help it expand into other markets.

We know that financial support is crucial to industrial development. Looking to the future, we will adopt more flexible financial policies, continue to reform financial systems, and use more diverse means to help industries obtain the financing they need.

We will also work to create a safe environment for our industries. Our government is committed to maintaining sound public health and national security systems, a stable society, strong rule of law, and a healthy market. We need to offer these guarantees so that high-tech and strategic industries will be willing to choose Taiwan as their production and R&D base.

We will also continue to guide the global expansion of our industries. We will keep working to sign trade or investment protection agreements with the United States, Japan, and European countries.

As we continue to promote our New Southbound Policy, we will also develop other potential markets and encourage firms to establish operations there, giving our industries an edge when they engage in international cooperation. Overseas Taiwanese business communities around the world will be our best partners as we seek new international opportunities.

Finally, we have the issue of talent. In order for Taiwan to become a key global economic force, we need a diverse talent pool. My government will bring in the world's top technical, R&D, and management talents to help globalize Taiwan's workforce, widen our industries' horizons, and give them the ability to compete in the international arena.

Looking to the future, Taiwan must further connect with the international community. We will work to cultivate more outstanding bilingual and digital talents, giving our industries a global competitive edge.

Over the next four years, Taiwan's economy will enter a new stage, complete with more flexible capital and talent flows, more robust industrial capabilities, and closer ties with the world. Together, we are going to enter a new era of shared prosperity.

2. Safe Society: Health and Social Safety Nets to Catch Those Who Need Help

As we develop our industries, we will also keep in mind that the people expect the government to foster a safe society. To be a better country, the government must take on more responsibilities to reduce the burden on the people and mitigate issues in society.

Over the past few years, we have addressed Long-term Care 2.0, childcare, and residential justice issues. Over the next four years, my goal is to weave an even tighter net that can catch every single person who needs help and prevent future tragedies.

● Health and Disease Prevention Safety Net

First, we will strengthen our health and disease prevention safety net. Taiwan is an ageing society, and infectious diseases pose a serious challenge to the health of our people. That is why we need to bolster our disease prevention and treatment capabilities and link industries to make more breakthroughs in vaccine and new drug development, as well as infectious disease prevention and treatment, so that people can enjoy healthy lives and receive better care.

● Mending Gaps in the Social Safety Net

Our second step will be to mend the gaps in our social safety net. Over the past few years, a great deal of discussion has arisen around public safety incidents involving schizophrenia patients. The same goes for other mental illnesses, drug addiction, and domestic violence.

I understand your concerns. These issues are not just the responsibility of individuals or families; they are the responsibility of the government. When families are unable to provide proper care, the government has a duty to step in and help.

I am going to upgrade our social care system, enhance the capabilities of frontline social workers, and improve their work environments, so that they can work at the grassroots and identify people who have fallen through the gaps in our safety net.

We cannot hold medical agencies or individual judges solely responsible for controversies surrounding specific cases. Our judicial and executive branches should reevaluate and optimize these systems and take initiatives to make any necessary legal amendments.

3. National Security: National Defense Reforms, Active International Participation, Peaceful and Stable Cross-strait Relations

A better country requires a greater emphasis on national security. Over the past four years, we have pushed for national defense reforms, active international participation, and peaceful, stable cross-strait relations. We hope that Taiwan can play a more active role in the peace, stability, and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region. Over the next four years, the direction of our policies will remain the same, and we will do even more.

● National Defense Reforms

We have three important directions for our national defense reforms. First is accelerating the development of our asymmetrical capabilities. While we work to bolster our defense capabilities, future combat capacity development will also emphasize mobility, countermeasures, and non-traditional asymmetrical capabilities. We will also work to strengthen our defenses against the threats of cyber warfare, cognitive warfare, and "unrestricted" warfare to achieve our strategic goal of multidomain deterrence.

The second is substantive reforms to our military reserve and mobilization systems. We need to enhance the quality of our reserve forces, as well as their weapons, equipment, and training, in order to achieve effective jointness with our regular forces. We also need to establish a standing, interdepartmental system connecting our reserve and mobilization systems. This system will help coordinate personnel and supplies, so that we can successfully mobilize during a transition from peacetime to war.

Third is improvements to our military's management institutions. Today's young servicemembers have all grown up in a democratic society, and one of our most important missions will be to find ways for them to better utilize their professional skills in line with military needs.

Some young servicemembers have difficulties adjusting to military needs, reflecting the gap between today's society and our military management institutions. We need to work to close that gap. We need to reduce negative societal views of the military and end the gradual erosion of our military's prestige and morale due to individual incidents caused by imperfect institutions.

Thus, we will improve appeal and counseling mechanisms within the military, establish a fair and equitable incident investigation mechanism, and regularly evaluate personnel placements. In terms of education and training, we will strengthen leadership capacities across all levels of leadership and foster a modern management system that emphasizes professionalism.

We need to strike a balance and find a way to accommodate the team-oriented military discipline needed for actual combat and society's respect for the individual.

● Active International Participation

Over the past four years, we have actively taken part in addressing major global issues, including counter-terrorism cooperation, humanitarian assistance, religious freedom, and non-traditional security.

Throughout this global pandemic, we have been praised for providing selfless assistance to the international community wherever we are able.

Taiwan has been deemed a democratic success story, a reliable partner, and a force for good in the world by the international community. All Taiwanese people should take pride in this.

Over the next four years, we will continue to fight for our participation in international organizations, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with our allies, and bolster ties with the United States, Japan, Europe, and other like-minded countries.

We will also participate more actively in regional cooperation mechanisms and work hand-in-hand with countries in the region to make concrete contributions to peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

● Peaceful and Stable Cross-strait Relations

In the face of complex and changing cross-strait circumstances, we have made the greatest effort to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait over the past four years, gaining approval from the international community. We will continue these efforts, and we are willing to engage in dialogue with China and make more concrete contributions to regional security.

Here, I want to reiterate the words "peace, parity, democracy, and dialogue." We will not accept the Beijing authorities' use of "one country, two systems" to downgrade Taiwan and undermine the cross-strait status quo. We stand fast by this principle.

We will continue to handle cross-strait affairs according to the Constitution of the Republic of China and the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. This has been our consistent position for maintaining the peaceful and stable status quo in the Taiwan Strait.

Cross-strait relations have reached a historical turning point. Both sides have a duty to find a way to coexist over the long term and prevent the intensification of antagonism and differences. Faced with changing circumstances, I will hold firm to my principles, adopt an open attitude to resolve issues, and shoulder my responsibilities as President. I also hope that the leader on the other side of the Strait will take on the same responsibility, and work with us to jointly stabilize the long-term development of cross-strait relations.

Strengthening State Institutions and Democracy

While we work to achieve national development, it is crucial that we optimize our government institutions over the next four years. Our Legislative Yuan will establish a constitutional amendment committee, giving us a platform to engage in dialogue and reach a consensus on constitutional reforms pertaining to government systems and people's rights.

This democratic process will enable the constitutional system to progress with the times and align with the values of Taiwanese society. Our first priority should be to lower the voting age from 20 to 18, an issue on which both the majority and opposition parties are in agreement.

In terms of judicial reform, I delivered on my promise to convene a National Congress on Judicial Reform, and we completed amendments to the Judges Act, the Attorney Regulation Act, the Constitutional Court Procedure Act, and the Labor Incident Act. This is all base work for the further improvement of our judicial system.

However, our judicial reforms are still in transition, and our current progress has not yet met the public's expectations. I will continue to solicit opinions from across society and keep pressing forward. The people's dissatisfaction drives us to continue on the path of reform.

Within the next four years, we need to implement a lay judge system, so that citizens can act as lay judges in court and become catalysts for judicial reform. This will help bridge the distance between the people and our judicial system, so that it aligns better with their expectations and earns their trust.

All constitutional institutions must also continue on the path of reform. The Executive Yuan will reevaluate and reinitiate its organizational reform process, including the establishment of a specialized digital development agency and adjustments to all ministries in line with current needs. This will enable governance capabilities to be more responsive to the needs of national development.

The National Human Rights Commission under the Control Yuan will officially be established in August of this year. This will be a milestone in our journey to place human rights at the center of Taiwan's national ethos, and marks the start of a new chapter for the Control Yuan.

Our new Examination Yuan team will be instated in September, and I will ask them to propose a comprehensive reform plan and evaluate past policies, so that they can become an effective human resource department that can cultivate the talent a modern government needs.


My fellow citizens, over the past 70 years, the Republic of China (Taiwan) has grown more resilient and unified through countless challenges. We have resisted the pressure of aggression and annexation. We have made the transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Although we were once isolated in the world, we have always persisted in the values of democracy and freedom, no matter the challenges ahead of us. We will always remain committed to our common belief: Taiwan must help ourselves to help others, and when we help ourselves, others will help us.

Many of the heroes in our fight against COVID-19 are here with us today, including members of our national face mask team, our Central Epidemic Command Center's public health team, and Premier Su Tseng-chang's (蘇貞昌) team.

There are many more heroes from all walks of life not in attendance today: medical workers, postal workers, pharmacists, convenience store clerks, taxi drivers, and many more.

I may not be able to call out all of your names, but I want everyone to know that Taiwan has overcome countless challenges over the past 70 years, relying on not just one or two heroes, but thanks to countless heroes such as yourselves, working together to turn the wheels of history. You have helped make Taiwan a happy, safe, and prosperous place for generations to come.

I want to express my respect to all of you. Every single person in Taiwan is a hero. Vice President Lai and I are honored to take on the responsibility you have entrusted to us.

Taking on the responsibility of the President of the Republic of China in such difficult times brings me more pressure than joy. But I will not back down, because all of you are with me.

The path forward will not be easy, and greater challenges await us. But we are a country that has persevered through even the greatest hardships. We, the 23 million people, have always been and will always be a community with a shared destiny.

I truly hope that all of my fellow citizens will remember how it felt to come together to overcome the challenges of the past few months. The Republic of China can be united. Taiwan can be safe. Being Taiwanese can be an honor that makes you hold your head high.

My dear citizens, the path ahead of us is long, and we are about to begin a new chapter in Taiwan's story. Taiwan's story belongs to each and every one of us, and it needs each and every one of us.

I ask that the 23 million people of Taiwan act as our guides and partners. Let us pool our wisdom and courage and make this country a better place together. Thank you.

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Our commitment to promoting healthy and orderly exchanges across the strait, choosing dialogue over confrontation, and advancing well-being for the peoples on both sides of the strait, under the principles of parity and dignity, remains unchanged. Regarding the matters I reported to the public today, I have instructed our national security and administrative teams to take swift action and deliver results, working within a stable strategic framework and according to the various policies and approaches I just outlined. I have also instructed them to keep a close watch on changes in the international situation, seize opportunities whenever they arise, and address the concerns and hope of the citizens with concrete actions. My fellow citizens, over the past several years, Taiwan has weathered a global pandemic and faced global challenges, both political and economic, arising from the US-China trade war and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Through it all, Taiwan has persevered; we have continued to develop our economy, bolster our national strength, and raise our international profile while garnering more support – all unprecedented achievements. This is all because Taiwan’s fate has never been decided by the external environment, but by the unity of the Taiwanese people and the resolve to never give up. A one-of-a-kind global situation is creating new strategic opportunities for our one-of-a-kind Taiwanese people, bringing new hope. Taiwan’s foundation is solid; its strength is great. So as long as everyone remains steadfast in their convictions, is willing to work hand in hand, stands firm amidst uncertainty, and looks for ways to win within changing circumstances, Taiwan is certain to prevail in the test of our time yet again, for I am confident that there are no difficulties that Taiwan cannot overcome. Thank you.
President Lai delivers 2025 New Year’s Address
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They tell Taiwan’s story through their outstanding performances, letting the world see the spirit and culture of Taiwan, and filling all our citizens with pride. My fellow citizens, we have stood together through thick and thin; we have shared our ups and downs. We have wept together, and we have laughed together. We are all one family, all members of Team Taiwan. I want to thank each of our citizens for their dedication, fueling Taiwan’s progress and bringing our nation glory. You have given Taiwan even greater strength to stand out on the global stage. In this new year, we must continue bringing Taiwan’s stories to the world, and make Taiwan’s successes a force for global progress. In 2025, the world will be entering a new landscape. Last year, over 70 countries held elections, and the will of the people has changed with the times. As many countries turn new pages politically, and in the midst of rapid international developments, Taiwan must continue marching forward with steady strides. First, we must keep firm on the path of democracy. Taiwan made it through a dark age of authoritarianism and has since become a glorious beacon of democracy in Asia. This was achieved through the sacrifices of our democratic forebears and the joint efforts of all our citizens. Democracy’s value to Taiwan lies not just in our free way of life, or in the force driving the diverse and vigorous growth of our society. Democracy is the brand that has earned us international trust in terms of diplomacy. No matter the threat or challenge Taiwan may face, democracy is Taiwan’s only path forward. We will not turn back. Domestic competition among political parties is a part of democracy. But domestic political disputes must be resolved democratically, within the constitutional system. This is the only way democracy can continue to grow. The Executive Yuan has the right to request a reconsideration of the controversial bills passed in the Legislative Yuan, giving it room for reexamination. Constitutional institutions can also lodge a petition for a constitutional interpretation, and through Constitutional Court adjudication, ensure a separation of powers, safeguard constitutional order, and gradually consolidate the constitutional system. The people also have the right of election, recall, initiative, and referendum, and can bring together even greater democratic power to show the true meaning of sovereignty in the hands of the people. In this new year, the changing international landscape will present democratic nations around the world with many grave challenges. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and conflict between Israel and Hamas rage on, and we are seeing the continued convergence of authoritarian regimes including China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, threatening the rules-based international order and severely affecting peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region and the world at large. Peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are essential components for global security and prosperity. Taiwan needs to prepare for danger in times of peace. We must continue increasing our national defense budget, bolster our national defense capabilities, and show our determination to protect our country. Everyone has a responsibility to safeguard Taiwan’s democracy and security. We must gather together every bit of strength we have to enhance whole-of-society defense resilience, and build capabilities to respond to major disasters and deter threats or encroachment. We must also strengthen communication with society to combat information and cognitive warfare, so that the populace rejects threats and enticements and jointly guards against malicious infiltration by external forces. Here at home, we must consolidate democracy with democracy. Internationally, we must make friends worldwide through democracy. This is how we will ensure security and peace. The more secure Taiwan, the more secure the world. The more resilient Taiwan, the sounder the defense of global democracy. The global democratic community should work even closer together to support the democratic umbrella as we seek ways to resolve the war in Ukraine and conflict between Israel and Hamas. Together, we must uphold stability in the Taiwan Strait and security in the Indo-Pacific, and achieve our goal of global peace. Second, we must continue to bolster our national strength, make Taiwan more economically resilient, and enhance the resilience of supply chains for global democracies. In the first half of 2024, growth in the Taiwan Stock Index was the highest in the world. Our economic growth rate for the year as a whole is expected to reach 4.2 percent, leading among the Four Asian Tigers. Domestic investment is soaring, having exceeded NT$5 trillion, and inflation is gradually stabilizing. Export orders from January to November totaled US$536.6 billion, up 3.7 percent from the same period in 2023. And compared over the same period, exports saw a 9.9 percent increase, reaching US$431.5 billion. Recent surveys also show that in 2024, the average increase in salaries at companies was higher than that in 2023. Additionally, over 90 percent of companies plan to raise salaries this year, which is an eight-year high. All signs indicate that Taiwan’s economic climate continues to recover, and that our economy is growing steadily. Our overall economic performance is impressive; still, we must continue to pay attention to the impact on Taiwan’s industries from the changing geopolitical landscape, uncertainties in the global economic environment, and dumping by the “red supply chain.”  For a nation, all sectors and professions are equally important; only when all our industries are strong can Taiwan be strong as a nation. Our micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are the lifeblood of Taiwan, and the development of our various industrial parks has given Taiwan the impetus for our prosperity. We must carry the spirit of “Made in Taiwan” forward, bringing it to ever greater heights. Thus, beyond just developing our high-tech industry, our Executive Yuan has already proposed a solution that will help traditional industries and MSMEs comprehensively adopt technology applications, engage in the digital and net-zero twin transition, and develop channels, all for better operational structures and higher productivity. Taiwan must continue enhancing its economic resilience. In recent years, Taiwan has significantly increased its investments in the US, Japan, Europe, and the New Southbound countries, and such investment has already surpassed investment in China. This indicates that our efforts in diversifying markets and reducing reliance on any single market are working. Moving forward, we must keep providing assistance so that Taiwan industries can expand their global presence and market internationally from a solid base here in Taiwan. At the same time, Taiwan must use democracy to promote economic growth with the rest of the world. We must leverage our strengths in the semiconductor and AI industries. We must link with democratic countries so that we can together enhance the resilience of supply chains for global democracies. And through international cooperation across many sectors, such as UAVs, low-orbit communications satellites, robots, military, security and surveillance, or biopharmaceuticals, renewable energy technology, new agriculture, and the circular economy, we must keep abreast of the latest cutting-edge technology and promote diverse development. This approach will help Taiwan remain a leader in advancing global democratic supply chains, ensuring their security and stability. Third, we must continue working toward a Balanced Taiwan and generational justice, ensuring that the fruits of our economic growth can be enjoyed by all our people. Democracy means the people have the final say. Our nation belongs to all 23 million of us, without regard for ethnic group, generation, political party, or whether we live in urban or rural areas. In this new year, we must continue to pursue policies that promote the well-being of the nation and the people. But to that end, the central government needs adequate financial resources to ensure that it can enact each of these measures. Therefore, I hope that the ruling and opposition parties can each soberly reconsider the amendments to the Act Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures and find a path forward that ensures the lasting peace and stability of our country. For nine consecutive years, the minimum wage has continued to rise. Effective today, the minimum monthly salary is being raised from NT$27,470 to NT$28,590, and the hourly salary from NT$183 to NT$190. We hope by raising the pay for military personnel, civil servants, and educators for two consecutive years, coupled with benefits through wage increases and tax reductions, that private businesses will also raise wages, allowing all our people to enjoy the fruits of our economic growth. I know that everyone wants to pay lower taxes and rent. This year, we will continue to promote tax reductions. For example, unmarried individuals with an annual income of NT$446,000 or less can be exempt from paying income tax. Dual-income families with an annual income of NT$892,000 or less and dual-income families with two children aged six or younger with an annual income of NT$1,461,000 or less are also exempt from paying income tax. Additionally, the number of rent-subsidized housing units will also be increased, from 500,000 to 750,000 units, helping lighten the load for everyone. This year, the age eligibility for claiming Culture Points has been lowered from 16 to 13 years, so that now young people aged between 13 and 22 can receive government support for experiencing more in the arts. Also, our Taiwan Global Pathfinders Initiative is about to take effect, which will help more young people in Taiwan realize their dreams by taking part in education and exchange activities in many places around the world. We are also in the process of establishing a sports ministry to help young athletes achieve their dreams on the field, court, and beyond. The ministry will also be active in developing various sports industries and bringing sports and athletics more into the lives of the people, making our people healthier as a result. This year, as Taiwan becomes a “super-aged society,” we will launch our Long-term Care 3.0 Plan to provide better all-around care for our seniors. And we will expand the scope of cancer screening eligibility and services, all aimed at creating a Healthy Taiwan. In addition, Taiwan will officially begin collecting fees for its carbon fee system today. This brings us closer in line with global practices and helps us along the path to our goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. We will also continue on the path to achieving a Balanced Taiwan. Last month, the Executive Yuan launched the Trillion NT Dollar Investment National Development Plan and its six major regional flagship projects. Both of these initiatives will continue to expand the investment in our public infrastructure and the development of local specialty industries, narrowing urban-rural and wealth gaps so that all our people can live and work in peace and happiness. My fellow citizens, today’s Taiwan is receiving international recognition for its performance in many areas, among them democracy, technology, and economy. This tells us that national development is moving in the right direction. In this new year, Taiwan must be united, and we must continue on the right course. We hope that everyone in the central and local governments, regardless of party, can work hard together to ensure that national policies are successfully implemented, with the people’s well-being as our top priority. This will allow Taiwan sure footing as it strides forward toward ever greater achievements. In this new year, we have many more brilliant stories of Taiwan to share with the world, inspiring all Taiwanese, both here and around the world, to cheer time and again for the glory of Taiwan. Taiwan will keep going strong. And we will keep walking tall as we enter the new global landscape. Thank you.
President Lai delivers 2024 National Day Address
President Lai Ching-te on the morning of October 10 attended the ROC’s 113th Double Tenth National Day Celebration in the plaza fronting the Presidential Office Building, and delivered an address titled “Taiwan Together for Our Shared Dream.” A translation of the president’s address follows: National Day Celebration Chairperson Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜), Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao, Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰), Prime Minister of Tuvalu Feleti Teo and Madame Tausaga Teo, heads of delegations from diplomatic allies and friendly nations, distinguished guests from home and abroad, and my fellow citizens here in person and watching on TV or online: Good morning. Today, we gather together to celebrate the birthday of the Republic of China, praise the beautiful Taiwan of today, and usher in the better Taiwan for tomorrow. One hundred and thirteen years ago, a group of people full of ideals and aspirations rose in revolt and overthrew the imperial regime. Their dream was to establish a democratic republic of the people, to be governed by the people and for the people. Their ideal was to create a nation of freedom, equality, and benevolence. However, the dream of democracy was engulfed in the raging flames of war. The ideal of freedom had for long eroded under authoritarian rule. But we will never forget the Battle of Guningtou 75 years ago, or the August 23 Artillery Battle 66 years ago. Though we arrived on this land at different times and belonged to different communities, we defended Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu. We defended the Republic of China. We will never forget the Kaohsiung Incident 45 years ago, or wave after wave of democracy movements. Again and again, people who carried the dream of democracy and the ideal of freedom, through valiant sacrifice and devotion, gave their lives to open the door to democracy. Over more than a century, the people’s desire to master their own destiny has finally been fulfilled. My fellow citizens, though the Republic of China was driven out of the international community, the people of Taiwan have never exiled themselves. On this land, the people of Taiwan toil and labor, but when our friends face natural disasters or an unprecedented pandemic, we do not hesitate to extend a helping hand. “Taiwan Can Help” is not just a slogan. It is a movement by the people of Taiwan to cherish peace and do good for others. In the past, our people, going out into the world equipped with only a briefcase, sparked Taiwan’s economic achievements. Now, Taiwan’s chip technology drives the whole world, and has become a global force for prosperity and development. The people of Taiwan are diverse, and they are fearless. Our own Nymphia Wind is a queen on the world stage. The people of Taiwan are truly courageous. Lin Yu-ting (林郁婷), a daughter of Taiwan, is a queen of the boxing world. At 17 years old, Taiwan’s own Tsai Yun-rong (蔡昀融) put steady hands to work and won first place for woodwork in a global skills competition. Chen Sz-yuan (陳思源), at 20, took first for refrigeration and air conditioning, using the skills passed down by his father. A new generation of “Made in Taiwan” youth is putting a new shine on an old label. I want to thank generation after generation of fellow citizens for coming together and staying together through thick and thin. The Republic of China has already put down roots in Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu. And the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China are not subordinate to each other. On this land, democracy and freedom are growing and thriving. The People’s Republic of China has no right to represent Taiwan. The 23 million people of Taiwan, now more than ever, must reach out our branches to embrace the future. My fellow citizens, we have overcome challenge after challenge. All along, the Republic of China has shown steadfast resolve; and all along, the people of Taiwan have shown unwavering tenacity. We fully understand that our views are not all the same, but we have always been willing to accept one another. We fully understand that we have differences in opinion, but we have always been willing to keep moving forward hand in hand. This is how the Republic of China Taiwan became what it is today. As president, my mission is to ensure that our nation endures and progresses, and to unite the 23 million people of Taiwan. I will also uphold the commitment to resist annexation or encroachment upon our sovereignty. It is also my mission to safeguard the lives and property of the public, firmly carry out our Four Pillars of Peace action plan, strengthen national defense, stand side by side with democratic countries, jointly demonstrate the strength of deterrence, and ensure peace through strength, so that all generations can lead good lives. All the more, my mission is to care for the lives and livelihoods of the 23 million people of Taiwan, actively develop our economy, and expand investment in social care. I must also ensure that the fruits of our economic growth can be enjoyed by all our people. However, Taiwan faces relentless challenges, and the world’s challenges are just as much our own. The world must achieve sustainable development as we grapple with global climate change. Sudden outbreaks of infectious diseases impact human lives and health around the globe. And expanding authoritarianism is posing a host of challenges to the rules-based international order, threatening our hard-won free and democratic way of life. For these reasons, I have established three committees at the Presidential Office: the National Climate Change Committee, the Healthy Taiwan Promotion Committee, and the Whole-of-Society Defense Resilience Committee. These committees are interrelated, and they are closely connected by the theme of national resilience. We intend to build up a more resilient Taiwan, proactively deal with challenges, and bring Taiwan into deeper cooperation with the international community. We must strengthen Taiwan’s ability to adapt to the risks associated with extreme weather, continue promoting our second energy transition, and ensure a stable power supply. We must steadily advance toward our goal of net-zero transition by 2050 through the development of more forms of green energy, deep energy saving, and advanced energy storage. In terms of health, we must effectively fight the spread of global infectious diseases, and raise the population’s average life expectancy while reducing time spent living with illness or disability. We must achieve health equality so that people are healthy, the nation is stronger, and so that the world embraces Taiwan. Finally, we must strengthen resilience throughout Taiwan in national defense, economic livelihoods, disaster prevention, and democracy. As the people of Taiwan become more united, our nation grows more stable. As our society becomes better prepared, our nation grows more secure, and there is also greater peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan is resolved in our commitment to upholding peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and achieving global security and prosperity. We are willing to work with China on addressing climate change, combatting infectious diseases, and maintaining regional security to pursue peace and mutual prosperity for the well-being of the people on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. For a long time now, countries around the world have supported China, invested in China, and assisted China in joining the World Trade Organization, thereby promoting China’s economic development and enhancing its national strength. This was done out of the hope that China would join the rest of the world in making global contributions, that internally it would place importance on the livelihoods of the people, and that externally it would maintain peace. As we stand here today, international tensions are on the rise, and each day countless innocents are suffering injuries or losing their lives in conflict. We hope that China will live up to the expectations of the international community, that it will apply its influence and work with other countries toward ending Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and conflicts in the Middle East. And we hope that it will take up its international responsibilities and, along with Taiwan, contribute to the peace, security, and prosperity of the region and the globe. In an era when the international landscape is becoming increasingly chaotic, Taiwan will become more calm, more confident, and stronger; it will become a force for regional peace, stability, and prosperity. I believe that a stronger democratic Taiwan is not only the ideal of our 23 million people, but also the expectation of the international community. We will continue to make Taiwan stronger and promote cross-sector economic development. Taiwan’s economic strength is no “miracle”; it is the result of the joint efforts of all the people of Taiwan. We must strive for an innovative economy, a balanced Taiwan, and inclusive growth; we must stay on top of changes in global trends, and continue to remain a key player in supply chains for global democracies. Going forward, in addition to our 5+2 innovative industries plan and Six Core Strategic Industries policy, we will more vigorously develop Taiwan’s Five Trusted Industry Sectors, namely semiconductors, AI, military, security and surveillance, and next-generation communications, and help expand their global presence. We will also promote the transformation and development of medium, small, and micro enterprises and help them develop their international markets. My fellow citizens, we will continue working to achieve a Taiwan that is balanced across all its regions. In the central government’s proposed general budget plan for next year, general grants for local governments and general centrally funded tax revenues increased significantly, by NT$89.5 billion, reaching a total of NT$724.1 billion, a record high. And our budget for flood control will be raised by NT$15.9 billion from this year, bringing the total to NT$55.1 billion. This will help municipalities across the country in addressing the challenges of extreme weather.  We will also expedite improvements to the safety of our national road network and create a human-friendly transportation environment. Furthermore, we will improve our mass rapid transit network and connect the greater Taipei area comprising Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, and Taoyuan. We will roll out the new Silicon Valley plan for Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli to form a central technology cluster connecting the north with the south and launch the Smart Technology Southern Industrial Ecosystem Development Plan. We will accelerate promotion of safety in our eastern transportation network so that locals can go home on safer roads. We will also enhance basic infrastructure in the outlying island areas to raise the quality of life for locals and increase their capacity for tourism. My fellow citizens, we must all the more ensure the well-being of our people across the generations. To our young parents, we will continue to promote version 2.0 of our national childcare policy for ages 0–6. We are going even further by already increasing childcare subsidies, and we will also enhance the quality of preschool services. Children are the future of our country, and the government has the responsibility to help take care of them. To our young students, we will continue to provide free tuition for students of high schools and vocational high schools, and we will also continue to subsidize tuition for students of private junior colleges, colleges, and universities. And we are taking that a step further by establishing the Ten-Billion-Dollar Youth Overseas Dream Fund. Young people have dreams, and the government has the responsibility to help youth realize those dreams. To our young adults and those in the prime of life, next year, the minimum wage will once again be raised, and the number of rent-subsidized housing units will be increased. We will expand investment in society and provide more support across life, work, housing, and health, and support for the young and old. Raising a family is hard work, and the government has a responsibility to help lighten the load. To our senior citizens all around Taiwan, next year, Taiwan will become a “super-aged society.” In advance, we will launch our Long-term Care 3.0 Plan and gradually implement the 888 Program for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. We will also establish a NT$10 billion fund for new cancer drugs and advance the Healthy Taiwan Cultivation Plan. We will build a stronger social safety net and provide enhanced care for the disadvantaged. And we will bring mental health support to people of all ages, including the young and middle-aged, to truly achieve care for all people of all ages throughout the whole of our society. I am deeply aware that what everyone cares about the most is the pressure of high housing prices, and that what they most detest is rampant fraud. I give the people my promise that our administration will not shirk these issues; even if it offends certain groups, we will address them no matter the price. We will redouble our efforts to combat fraud and fight housing speculation. We will expand care for renters and strike a balance with the needs of people looking to change homes. We will walk together, continuing down the path toward achieving housing justice. We have with us today former President Chen Shui-bian, former President Tsai Ing-wen, and leaders from different political parties. I want to thank all of you for attending. Your presence represents the strength our nation has built up over generations, as well as the values and significance of Taiwan’s diverse democracy. Our nation must become more united, and our society must grow more stable. I also want to thank Legislative Yuan President Han and Premier Cho for recently initiating cooperation among the ruling and opposition parties to facilitate discussion among the ruling and opposition party caucuses. In democratic countries, political parties internally promote the nation’s progress through competition, and externally they unite to work toward achieving national interests. No matter our political party, no matter our political stances, national interests come before the interests of parties, and the interests of parties can never take precedence over the interests of the people. And this is precisely the spirit upheld by those who sacrificed, who gave everything they had, in order to establish the Republic of China. This is the lesson we take from our predecessors who, generation upon generation, overcame authoritarianism, and sacrificed and devoted themselves to the pursuit of democracy. That is precisely why, regardless of party affiliation or regardless of our differences, we are gathered here today. Regardless of what name we choose to call our nation – the Republic of China; Taiwan; or the Republic of China Taiwan – we must all share common convictions: Our determination to defend our national sovereignty remains unchanged. Our efforts to maintain the status quo of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait remain unchanged. Our commitment to hoping for parity and dignity, and healthy and orderly dialogue and exchanges between the two sides of the strait remains unchanged. Our determination, from one generation to the next, to protect our free and democratic way of life remains unchanged. I believe this is the dream that Taiwan’s 23 million people all share; it is also the shared ideal that Taiwanese society and the international community hold. The stronger the commitment of the Taiwanese people, the greater the tenacity of democracy around the world. The greater the tenacity of the Taiwanese people, the stronger the commitment of democracy around the world. Let’s keep going, Republic of China! Let’s keep going, Taiwan! Regardless of our differences, let’s keep going forward! Thank you.
President Lai’s remarks on legislative amendments
On the morning of June 24, President Lai Ching-te delivered his remarks on recent legislative amendments. In remarks, President Lai emphasized opposition to an expansion of legislative power, not legislative reforms, and said that the legislature should naturally engage in reforms, but refrain from an excessive expansion of power, adding that any proposal for legislative reform should remain legal and constitutional. Particularly, the president said, the investigative powers of the Legislative Yuan should not infringe upon the powers of the judiciary or the Control Yuan, and more importantly, they must not infringe upon people’s basic rights, including the right to privacy, trade secrets, and the freedom to withhold expression. Therefore, on the basis of safeguarding the constitutional order and protecting the rights of the people, the president stated that he will petition the Constitutional Court for a constitutional interpretation, as well as petition for a preliminary injunction. Emphasizing that the president’s role is as a guardian of democratic and constitutional governance, President Lai said that given that there are concerns about the recent amendments being unconstitutional, concerns that they confound constitutional provisions on the separation of powers and those on checks and balances, it is incumbent upon him to perform his duties as president and take action. Today, he said, he has decided to petition the Constitutional Court for a constitutional interpretation to rule on the constitutionality and legitimacy of the recent amendments. Stating that this approach is responsible to our nation and to our history and actually reflects the expectations of the people, the president expressed his hope that all of our fellow citizens can work together to safeguard our constitutional system and more deeply entrench our democracy, allowing for the sustainable development of Taiwan’s democracy. A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows: One month ago, I was sworn in as president, taking an oath before the people to observe the Constitution and faithfully perform my duties. Therefore, following the legislature’s passing of amendments to the Law Governing the Legislative Yuan’s Power and to the Criminal Code, earlier this morning, I signed these amendments into law in accordance with the Constitution, and will promulgate the bills today. However, aside from the deliberative process over the amendments raising pronounced concerns from the public, the contents of the bills also risk compromising the constitutional principle of separation of powers, as well as that of checks and balances. A moment ago, Attorney Hong Wei-sheng (洪偉勝) explained our reasons for seeking to petition for a constitutional interpretation. I would like to share with our fellow citizens that it is the responsibility and mission of the president to safeguard our free and democratic constitutional system and protect the rights of the people. In a free and democratic constitutional system, core principles include separation of powers, checks and balances, and the protection of human rights. Separation of powers should be based on the Constitution, with the branches working independently while respecting one another. Regarding checks and balances, branches should function according to their institutional design to ensure constitutionally responsible government. Therefore, I must emphasize that we are opposing an expansion of legislative power, not legislative reforms. The legislature should naturally engage in reforms, but refrain from an excessive expansion of power. Any proposal for legislative reform should remain legal and constitutional. Particularly, the investigative powers of the Legislative Yuan should not infringe upon the powers of the judiciary or the Control Yuan. More importantly, they must not infringe upon people’s basic rights, including the right to privacy, trade secrets, and the freedom to withhold expression. Therefore, on the basis of safeguarding the constitutional order and protecting the rights of the people, I will petition the Constitutional Court for a constitutional interpretation, as well as petition for a preliminary injunction. On the issue of the president giving an address on the state of the nation at the Legislative Yuan, there are already existing regulations in place in the Constitution and the Law Governing the Legislative Yuan’s Power. During legislative sessions, the legislature may invite the president to give a state of the nation address on national security and major policies. I have previously said that on the condition of legal and constitutional procedures, I am willing to deliver a state of the nation address at the Legislative Yuan. However, recent amendments passed by the legislature redefine the president’s address on the state of the nation as compulsory and require that the address be followed with an on-the-spot question and answer session, in an attempt to change the design of responsible government in the Constitution. This disrupts the institution of the Executive Yuan being responsible to the Legislative Yuan, leading to concerns about an overreaching expansion of the power originally bestowed to legislators by the Constitution. As president, I will not impose my personal opinions on the constitutional order; nor will I place my personal interests before national interests. As a physician, I deeply understand that any diagnosis should be made with care. When performing organ transplants, the physician must carefully evaluate and match various attributes, such as blood type, physical constitution, and other conditions. The same principles for treating illness hold true for governing a country. Institutional or legal transplants performed in the absence of careful evaluation or discussion could lead to negative outcomes for the nation’s constitutional governance and the protection of the people’s rights. We must address these issues seriously. Every law has far-reaching impact on our nation, our society, and the next generation. The president’s role is as a guardian of democratic and constitutional governance. Given that there are concerns about the recent amendments being unconstitutional, concerns that they confound constitutional provisions on the separation of powers and those on checks and balances, it is incumbent upon me to perform my duties as president and take action. Today, I have decided to petition the Constitutional Court for a constitutional interpretation to rule on the constitutionality and legitimacy of the recent amendments. This approach is responsible to our nation and to our history and actually reflects the expectations of the people. The Constitution stands as the supreme legal basis of our nation, and the Constitutional Court is the highest judicial organ that works to maintain the constitutional order and protect the rights of citizens. As to the interpretation, ruling and opposition parties must respect and accept the results, no matter what they turn out to be. And we also hope that the public will be able to support the results. In the coming days, as this process of constitutional interpretation unfolds, there will be much discussion and debate among the public. I am confident that this will be a reaffirmation, by Taiwanese society, of our democratic and constitutional governance, and that it will make our democratic society even more mature. For democracy to be even more deeply entrenched, it needs defending, and it needs dialogue. And the historic moment to defend the constitutional structure of free democracy is now. I hope that all of my fellow citizens can work together to safeguard our constitutional system and more deeply entrench our democracy, allowing for the sustainable development of Taiwan’s democracy. Thank you. Also in attendance were Secretary-General to the President Pan Men-an (潘孟安), Deputy Secretary-General to the President Xavier Chang (張惇涵), and agent ad litem Attorney Hong.
President Lai holds press conference to mark first month in office
On the morning of June 19, President Lai Ching-te held a press conference marking his first month in office titled “Building Trust through Policy Initiatives: A New Taiwan for an Era of Innovation” to announce the establishment of three committees at the Presidential Office: the National Climate Change Committee, Whole-of-Society Defense Resilience Committee, and Healthy Taiwan Promotion Committee. In remarks, President Lai noted that the goal of the committees is to develop national strategies, engage in dialogue with civil society, deepen cooperation with the international community, and take action for Taiwan’s future. President Lai said he believes that as we actively pursue the transition to net-zero emissions by 2050 and participate in global security cooperation, our people will be healthier and our nation stronger, emphasizing that as Taiwan embraces the world, the world also embraces Taiwan. He stated that we are determined and confident as we guide our nation toward a better future, making the Taiwan of the world an even better place that will continue to contribute to the global community. A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows: As I am about to reach a full month in office as president, I am here today to announce the establishment of three committees at the Presidential Office. The goal of these committees is to develop national strategies, engage in dialogue with civil society, deepen cooperation with the international community, and take action for Taiwan’s future. Taiwan occupies a strategic position on one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes; we play a crucial role on the frontline of the democratic world; our advanced supply chains hold the key to the next generation of technological development. The Taiwan of today is a Taiwan of the world. Anything that happens to Taiwan could send ripples through the entire globe. Therefore, Taiwan’s issues are international issues, and international issues are Taiwan’s issues. Today, climate change, social resilience, and the promotion of health are three major issues that receive international attention; they also create the largest impact on our citizens. In response to these challenges, as well as for further cooperation with other countries, I have decided to establish three committees at the Presidential Office, with myself as the convenor. These committees aim to consolidate forces from government and civil society, to provide effective solutions for our country and for the world. First of all, the impact of climate change and extreme weather events is definitely the largest challenge that humanity faces. In 2022, an annual report from the United Nations pointed out that without proactive measures, average surface temperatures could rise by 2.8 degrees Celsius before the end of the century. And in 2023, we already witnessed the hottest summer in recorded history. The UN has warned that the issue is not only global warming, but that we have rather already entered an era of global boiling. The World Meteorological Organization has also recorded that Asia is a region heavily struck by climate-related disasters. We must face the pressing problems of climate breakdown, and the nations of the world must work together. In response to global climate change, we must address these issues faster, stronger, and more proactively.  Whether it is neighboring Japan or Korea, or other advanced democracies such as the United States, many countries have established agencies to address climate change at the level of the president or prime minister, with the goal of adopting proactive measures. Therefore, I will establish a National Climate Change Committee, with Executive Yuan Vice President Cheng Li-chiun (鄭麗君), Academia Sinica President James C. Liao (廖俊智), and Pegatron Corporation Chairman Tung Tzu-hsien (童子賢) as deputy convenors. The committee will promote climate governance from a national perspective and further transnational cooperation. Taiwan must not only continue to promote energy transition, but also put into practice the twin green and digital transition, as well as a just transition. We aim to realize a net-zero pathway, build a sustainable green lifestyle and green finance, and enhance environmental resilience to foster a sustainable homeland. I must also emphasize that transition to net-zero emissions by 2050 is no longer just an idealistic proposal, but an inevitable future. This path is extremely challenging, so we must face reality and rally the entire nation to strive together. We need a more comprehensive strategy to guide businesses and the public, implementing changes in energy, industry, finance, and daily life. Secondly, in the face of severe disasters caused by earthquakes and climate change, Taiwan must accelerate its efforts to strengthen the resilience of our entire society. The world is watching how Taiwan can demonstrate strong resilience in defending itself and deter the ambitions that seek to disrupt regional peace and stability. Only when our entire society possesses a strong will for self-defense and an unwavering confidence in ourselves can Taiwan effectively respond to various disasters and risks and grow stronger. Just days ago, the G7 leaders issued a communiqué, reaffirming that “maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait is indispensable to international security and prosperity.” This means that as the resilience of Taiwanese society is strengthened, Taiwan’s security is enhanced; and as Taiwan’s security is strengthened, we also enhance global security and prosperity. Therefore, I will establish the Whole-of-Society Defense Resilience Committee, with Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao, Secretary-General to the President Pan Men-an (潘孟安), and National Security Council (NSC) Secretary-General Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) serving as deputy conveners. By thinking ahead and being prepared, we aim to make Taiwan stronger and instill greater confidence in our people. In times of national emergency or natural disaster, both the government and society will be able to maintain normal operations. We need to expand the training and utilization of civilian forces, enhance material preparation and critical supply distribution systems, and strengthen energy and critical infrastructure security. We must improve social welfare and medical networks, as well as evacuation facilities, ensuring the safety of information, transportation, and financial networks. We need to conduct a comprehensive review and propose solutions to problems, strengthening our resilience in national defense, economic livelihoods, disaster prevention, and democracy. Our goal is to build a stronger and more robust democratic society where we not only safeguard national security, but also maintain regional peace and stability. Finally, I will establish the Healthy Taiwan Promotion Committee to address the challenges of the post-pandemic era. In recent years, major challenges threatening our citizens include antibiotic-resistant superbugs, transnational diseases of unknown origin, and cancer, which is the leading cause of death among the Taiwanese population. Our vision for creating a Healthy Taiwan is to enable people to live long and healthy lives. Dr. Chen Jyh-hong (陳志鴻), convener of the Healthy Taiwan Promotion Alliance, President Wong Chi-huey (翁啟惠) of the Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry, and Minister without Portfolio Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) of the Executive Yuan will serve as deputy conveners for the Healthy Taiwan Promotion Committee. We aim to advance the Healthy Taiwan Cultivation Plan through a health charter. We will improve the employment environment to attract and retain talent. We will optimize the National Health Insurance system for sustainable operation. We are committed to promoting holistic healthcare models and accelerating the application of smart healthcare technologies. Furthermore, we will establish a NT$10 billion fund for new cancer drugs, fully advancing our national plan for cancer prevention and treatment. I have never forgotten my mission as a doctor. I hope to gradually build a Taiwan where the number of years that people live with illness or disability is reduced, and that spent in health is increased. In the future, we must take action to promote healthy living for all, enhance lifelong care, and align Taiwan with sustainable health development around the globe. We must also look toward international cooperation to foster global solidarity in the post-pandemic era. These three committees not only signify unity and collaboration within the current administration and across ministries, but also embody a spirit of interdepartmental, cross-disciplinary, and public-private sector cooperation. These three committees will convene quarterly meetings. We will establish efficient communication platforms to foster social consensus and actively translate our goals into action. By harnessing the strengths of industry, government, academia, research institutions, and civil society sectors, we can effectively address global issues, making Taiwan’s strategies a global solution. In today’s interconnected world, every step Taiwan takes forward is a step forward for the world. Taiwan has capability, technology, and experience to share with the global community. According to last year’s rankings from the Economist Intelligence Unit and this year’s report from the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society, Taiwan is recognized as the most democratic and charitable country in Asia. Our achievements in democracy and our actions as a force for good have received international recognition. I believe that as we actively pursue the transition to net-zero emissions by 2050 and participate in global security cooperation, our people will be healthier and our nation stronger. As Taiwan embraces the world, the world also embraces Taiwan. I also want to emphasize that addressing these global issues and challenges requires significant effort and long-term investment of resources to yield results. If we do not start taking action today, we will fall behind tomorrow. So, the time for action is now. Today, the government shoulders its responsibility and leads by example. We are determined and confident as we guide our nation toward a better future, making the Taiwan of the world an even better place that will continue to contribute to the global community. Thank you. Also in attendance were Vice President Hsiao, Secretary-General Pan, NSC Secretary-General Wu, and Deputy Secretary-General to the President Xavier Chang (張惇涵).
President Lai holds press conference following high-level national security meeting
On the morning of February 14, President Lai Ching-te convened the first high-level national security meeting of the year, following which he held a press conference. In remarks, President Lai announced that in this new year, the government will prioritize special budget allocations to ensure that Taiwan’s defense budget exceeds 3 percent of GDP. He stated that the government will also continue to reform national defense, reform our legal framework for national security, and advance our economic and trade strategy of being rooted in Taiwan while expanding globally. The president also proposed clear-cut national strategies for Taiwan-US relations, semiconductor industry development, and cross-strait relations. President Lai indicated that he instructed the national security and administrative teams to take swift action and deliver results, working within a stable strategic framework and according to the various policies and approaches outlined. He also instructed them to keep a close watch on changes in the international situation, seize opportunities whenever they arise, and address the concerns and hope of the citizens with concrete actions. He expressed hope that as long as citizens remain steadfast in their convictions, are willing to work hand in hand, stand firm amidst uncertainty, and look for ways to win within changing circumstances, Taiwan is certain to prevail in the test of time yet again. A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows: First, I would like to convey my condolences for the tragic incident which occurred at the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store in Taichung, which resulted in numerous casualties. I have instructed Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) to lead the relevant central government agencies in assisting Taichung’s municipal government with actively resolving various issues regarding the incident. It is my hope that these issues can be resolved efficiently. Earlier today, I convened this year’s first high-level national security meeting. I will now report on the discussions from the meeting to all citizens. 2025 is a year full of challenges, but also a year full of hope. In today’s global landscape, the democratic world faces common threats posed by the convergence of authoritarian regimes, while dumping and unfair competition from China undermine the global economic order. A new United States administration was formed at the beginning of the year, adopting all-new strategies and policies to address challenges both domestic and from overseas. Every nation worldwide, including ours, is facing a new phase of changes and challenges. In face of such changes, ensuring national security, ensuring Taiwan’s indispensability in global supply chains, and ensuring that our nation continues to make progress amidst challenges are our top priorities this year. They are also why we convened a high-level national security meeting today. At the meeting, the national security team, the administrative team led by Premier Cho, and I held an in-depth discussion based on the overall state of affairs at home and abroad and the strategies the teams had prepared in response. We summed up the following points as an overall strategy for the next stage of advancing national security and development. First, for overall national security, so that we can ensure the freedom, democracy, and human rights of the Taiwanese people, as well as the progress and development of the nation as we face various threats from authoritarian regimes, Taiwan must resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, strengthen self-sufficiency in national defense, and consolidate national defense. Taiwan must enhance economic resilience, maintain economic autonomy, and stand firm with other democracies as we deepen our strategic partnerships with like-minded countries. As I have said, “As authoritarianism consolidates, democratic nations must come closer in solidarity!” And so, in this new year, we will focus on the following three priorities: First, to demonstrate our resolve for national defense, we will continue to reform national defense, implement whole-of-society defense resilience, and prioritize special budget allocations to ensure that our defense budget exceeds 3 percent of GDP. Second, to counter the threats to our national security from China’s united front tactics, attempts at infiltration, and cognitive warfare, we will continue with the reform of our legal framework for national security and expand the national security framework to boost societal resilience and foster unity within. Third, to seize opportunities in the restructuring of global supply chains and realignment of the economic order, we will continue advancing our economic and trade strategy of being rooted in Taiwan while expanding globally, strengthening protections for high-tech, and collaborating with our friends and allies to build supply chains for global democracies. Everyone shares concern regarding Taiwan-US relations, semiconductor industry development, and cross-strait relations. For these issues, I am proposing clear-cut national strategies. First, I will touch on Taiwan-US relations. Taiwan and the US have shared ideals and values, and are staunch partners within the democratic, free community. We are very grateful to President Donald Trump’s administration for their continued support for Taiwan after taking office. We are especially grateful for the US and Japan’s joint leaders’ statement reiterating “the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity for the international community,” as well as their high level of concern regarding China’s threat to regional security. In fact, the Democratic Progressive Party government has worked very closely with President Trump ever since his first term in office, and has remained an international partner. The procurement of numerous key advanced arms, freedom of navigation critical for security and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and many assisted breakthroughs in international diplomacy were made possible during this time. Positioned in the first island chain and on the democratic world’s frontline countering authoritarianism, Taiwan is willing and will continue to work with the US at all levels as we pursue regional stability and prosperity, helping realize our vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific. Although changes in policy may occur these next few years, the mutual trust and close cooperation between Taiwan and Washington will steadfastly endure. On that, our citizens can rest assured. In accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances, the US announced a total of 48 military sales to Taiwan over the past eight years amounting to US$26.265 billion. During President Trump’s first term, 22 sales were announced totaling US$18.763 billion. This greatly supported Taiwan’s defensive capabilities. On the foundation of our close cooperation with the past eight years’ two US administrations, Taiwan will continue to demonstrate our determination for self-defense, accelerate the bolstering of our national defense, and keep enhancing the depth and breadth of Taiwan-US security cooperation, along with all manner of institutional cooperation. In terms of bilateral economic cooperation, Taiwan has always been one of the US’s most reliable trade partners, as well as one of the most important cooperative partners of US companies in the global semiconductor industry. In the past few years, Taiwan has greatly increased both direct and indirect investment in the US. By 2024, investment surpassed US$100 billion, creating nearly 400,000 job opportunities. In 2023 and 2024, investment in the US accounted for over 40 percent of Taiwan’s overall foreign investment, far surpassing our investment in China. In fact, in 2023 and 2024, Taiwanese investment in China fell to 11 percent and 8 percent, respectively. The US is now Taiwan’s biggest investment target. Our government is now launching relevant plans in accordance with national development needs and the need to establish secure supply systems, and the Executive Yuan is taking comprehensive inventory of opportunities for Taiwan-US economic and trade cooperation. Moving forward, close bilateral cooperation will allow us to expand US investment and procurement, facilitating balanced trade. Our government will also strengthen guidance and support for Taiwanese enterprises on increasing US investment, and promote the global expansion and growth of Taiwan’s industries. We will also boost Taiwan-US cooperation in tech development and manufacturing for AI and advanced semiconductors, and work together to maintain order in the semiconductor market, shaping a new era for our strategic economic partnership. Second, the development of our semiconductor industry. I want to emphasize that Taiwan, as one of the world’s most capable semiconductor manufacturing nations, is both willing and able to address new situations. With respect to President Trump’s concerns about our semiconductor industry, the government will act prudently, strengthen communications between Taiwan and the US, and promote greater mutual understanding. We will pay attention to the challenges arising from the situation and assist businesses in navigating them. In addition, we will introduce an initiative on semiconductor supply chain partnerships for global democracies. We are willing to collaborate with the US and our other democratic partners to develop more resilient and diversified semiconductor supply chains. Leveraging our strengths in cutting-edge semiconductors, we will form a global alliance for the AI chip industry and establish democratic supply chains for industries connected to high-end chips. Through international cooperation, we will open up an entirely new era of growth in the semiconductor industry. As we face the various new policies of the Trump administration, we will continue to uphold a spirit of mutual benefit, and we will continue to communicate and negotiate closely with the US government. This will help the new administration’s team to better understand how Taiwan is an indispensable partner in the process of rebuilding American manufacturing and consolidating its leadership in high-tech, and that Taiwan-US cooperation will benefit us both. Third, cross-strait relations. Regarding the regional and cross-strait situation, Taiwan-US relations, US-China relations, and interactions among Taiwan, the US, and China are a focus of global attention. As a member of the international democratic community and a responsible member of the region, Taiwan hopes to see Taiwan-US relations continue to strengthen and, alongside US-China relations, form a virtuous cycle rather than a zero-sum game where one side’s gain is another side’s loss. In facing China, Taiwan will always be a responsible actor. We will neither yield nor provoke. We will remain resilient and composed, maintaining our consistent position on cross-strait relations: Our determination to safeguard our national sovereignty and protect our free and democratic way of life remains unchanged. Our efforts to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, as well as our willingness to work alongside China in the pursuit of peace and mutual prosperity across the strait, remain unchanged. Our commitment to promoting healthy and orderly exchanges across the strait, choosing dialogue over confrontation, and advancing well-being for the peoples on both sides of the strait, under the principles of parity and dignity, remains unchanged. Regarding the matters I reported to the public today, I have instructed our national security and administrative teams to take swift action and deliver results, working within a stable strategic framework and according to the various policies and approaches I just outlined. I have also instructed them to keep a close watch on changes in the international situation, seize opportunities whenever they arise, and address the concerns and hope of the citizens with concrete actions. My fellow citizens, over the past several years, Taiwan has weathered a global pandemic and faced global challenges, both political and economic, arising from the US-China trade war and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Through it all, Taiwan has persevered; we have continued to develop our economy, bolster our national strength, and raise our international profile while garnering more support – all unprecedented achievements. This is all because Taiwan’s fate has never been decided by the external environment, but by the unity of the Taiwanese people and the resolve to never give up. A one-of-a-kind global situation is creating new strategic opportunities for our one-of-a-kind Taiwanese people, bringing new hope. Taiwan’s foundation is solid; its strength is great. So as long as everyone remains steadfast in their convictions, is willing to work hand in hand, stands firm amidst uncertainty, and looks for ways to win within changing circumstances, Taiwan is certain to prevail in the test of our time yet again, for I am confident that there are no difficulties that Taiwan cannot overcome. Thank you.
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