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President Tsai meets Japan’s LDP Youth Division Director Suzuki Takako 
President Tsai meets Japan’s LDP Youth Division Director Suzuki Takako 

On the morning of April 30, President Tsai Ing-wen met with a delegation led by Suzuki Takako, member of the Japanese House of Representatives and director of the Youth Division of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). In remarks, President Tsai expressed thanks for the concern shown for Taiwan by both the Japanese government and people following the earthquake in eastern Taiwan. She also thanked Japan and other nations for reaffirming the importance for the international community of peace across the Taiwan Strait in joint statements issued after the US-Japan and US-Japan-Philippines summits and the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. The president expressed hope for even deeper Taiwan-Japan relations and that we can work together to realize the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific region, together safeguarding regional peace and prosperity.

A translation of President Tsai’s remarks follows:

First, I would like to welcome our distinguished guests to Taiwan. Our friends from Japan’s LDP make regular visits to Taiwan, and the LDP Youth Division has helped establish a tradition of friendly interaction between Taiwan and Japan.

Today I am delighted to see Director Suzuki leading a delegation for the first time since taking over as head of the Youth Division, expressing support for Taiwan through concrete action. Director Suzuki is the second woman director of the LDP Youth Division, which is a positive sign for women’s participation in politics. On that topic, I am sure we have many views and experiences to share.

When an earthquake struck Taiwan at the beginning of this month, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan immediately expressed support and encouragement, and the Japanese government made a donation to assist in post-disaster reconstruction efforts. I know that our friends in the LDP were all concerned about reconstruction work following the earthquake, and launched fund-raising campaigns.

For some time now, Taiwanese who travel to Japan have seen donation boxes for aid to Hualien, and they are touched by the concern for Taiwan shown by both the Japanese government and people. Total donations currently exceed NT$100 million, and continue to rise. On behalf of the people of Taiwan, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the LDP and all our Japanese friends for demonstrating their sincere affinity for Taiwan. 

We have also seen, in joint statements issued after the US-Japan and US-Japan-Philippines summits held this month, and the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, Japan and other member states reaffirm the importance for the international community of peace across the Taiwan Strait. Going forward, Taiwan will continue to work together with Japan and our democratic partners around the world to safeguard regional peace and prosperity.

Maintaining regional peace and stability, and the friendship between Taiwan and Japan, both require the concerted efforts of successive generations. I am sure that participation by the younger generation will not only help pass on these cumulative achievements, but also add to them creativity and vitality.

I look forward to the LDP Youth Division cooperating with even more civil society organizations in Taiwan. That will not only deepen Taiwan-Japan relations, but will also help Taiwan and Japan work together to realize the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific region. In closing, I wish the delegation a smooth and successful trip.

Director Suzuki then delivered remarks, first thanking President Tsai for taking the time to meet with her delegation. She said that the LDP Youth Division arranges a visit to Taiwan every year around this time. President Tsai has used her superb leadership capabilities and has done her utmost to further advance Taiwan-Japan relations over the eight years of her presidency, the director said, so being able to meet the president today and express their sincere thanks in person is especially meaningful.

Director Suzuki said that President Tsai, as the first woman president of Taiwan, is also a role model for women in Japan. She mentioned that among the members of the delegation is Japanese House of Councillors Member Tomonoh Rio, who is also a woman. The director said they hope to exchange views with President Tsai on issues related to women in politics.

Noting that President Tsai faced multiple challenges during her eight-year term, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters, Director Suzuki said that the measures Taiwan adopted have received broad affirmation by countries worldwide, and that the president’s leadership and governance abilities have also garnered attention from around the world.

Director Suzuki said that President Tsai’s earlier remarks in which she thanked the Japanese government and people for their donations and assistance following the earthquake on April 3 were a heartwarming gesture. Whenever Japan has faced disasters, she said, President Tsai has always immediately expressed sympathies and concern to the Japanese people in Japanese on social media platforms. She added that these warm gestures have also touched the hearts of the Japanese people.

Director Suzuki said she believes that the best evidence of our deep and enduring friendship is demonstrated by the response to the April 3 earthquake in eastern Taiwan. The day after the earthquake, she said, the LDP Youth Division made an open call for donations, and all 47 prefectures of Japan, as well as all of the party’s local branches, officials, and former directors donated. Likewise, on January 1 this year, when a strong earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, she noted, Taiwan extended a helping hand and provided prompt assistance. She said that these actions illustrate the solid bonds of friendship between Taiwan and Japan and serve as the best evidence of our warm personal ties.

Director Suzuki emphasized that any resort to threat of force is unacceptable, pointing out that President Tsai has previously stated that neither political or military intimidation nor verbal threats are tolerated in the international community, and that no matter the circumstance, we must respect one another. She said that President Tsai’s resolute appeals are filled with warmth and represent the qualities that all future national leaders ought to possess.

Director Suzuki emphasized that the LDP Youth Division, as a group of responsible young political figures, will maintain the solid friendship between Taiwan and Japan and take it to new heights.

On behalf of the LDP Youth Division, Director Suzuki presented President Tsai with a list of donations to the disaster recovery effort, and expressed their concern and support for Taiwan.

The delegation also included Japanese House of Councillors Member Fujii Kazuhiro, House of Representatives Members Kaneko Shumpei and Yamamoto Sakon, and Aso Masahiro, president of Junior Chamber International Japan’s Japan-Taiwan Friendship Association. The delegation was accompanied to the Presidential Office by Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office Chief Representative Katayama Kazuyuki.

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