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President Lai meets Canadian delegation to presidential inauguration
President Lai meets Canadian delegation to presidential inauguration

On the afternoon of May 20, President Lai Ching-te met with a Canadian parliamentary delegation to attend the inauguration of the 16th-term president and vice president. In remarks, President Lai expressed gratitude to Canada for supporting Taiwan, which demonstrates our deep friendship, and said that their visit is also significant as we work together through post-pandemic recovery. Noting that Canada is chairing the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Commission this year, the president expressed hope that Canada will support Taiwan’s bid to join the CPTPP, further deepening our partnership while allowing us to contribute more to the world together.

A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:

The last time that Judy Sgro, Chair of the Taiwan-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group, visited Taiwan was to attend our National Day Celebration in 2022. That also happened to be the first delegation from Canada to visit Taiwan after the lifting of pandemic travel restrictions. This time, Chair Sgro has come to attend my and Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao’s inauguration. In addition to demonstrating the deep friendship between Taiwan and Canada, your visit is also significant as we work together through post-pandemic recovery. I want to give you all a warm welcome and express my deepest gratitude for Canada’s support of Taiwan.

In the past several years, Canada has emphasized the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait in bilateral and multilateral international forums, such as the G7 summit. Moving forward, Taiwan will work alongside Canada and other like-minded countries to jointly safeguard security across the Taiwan Strait and advance prosperity and development in the Indo-Pacific region.

Taiwan and Canada share the values of freedom and democracy, and our countries are highly complementary in terms of industry. Our bilateral trade has seen significant growth, especially in recent years, and we are important trading partners. Last December, Taiwan and Canada signed a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Arrangement (FIPA), and this April we also signed a Science, Technology, Innovation Arrangement. Both of these lay a solid foundation for our further cooperation and exchange.

Taiwan plays key roles in the global development of industry and in geopolitics, and we are willing to contribute more to the progress and prosperity of the international community. Canada is chairing the CPTPP Commission this year. We look forward to Canada’s support for Taiwan’s bid to join the CPTPP, further deepening our partnership while allowing us to contribute more to the world together.

Lastly, I would like to thank Chair Sgro and all of the distinguished guests for their staunch friendship. I wish you all a fruitful visit.

Chair Sgro then delivered remarks, thanking President Lai for meeting with them today. She said that it is a great honor and pleasure on behalf of their wonderful Canadian delegation that they extend their heartfelt congratulations on this historic moment for Taiwan. Emphasizing that today’s inauguration signifies the embodiment of progress, integrity, and democracy in President Lai’s leadership, she said that his dedication to public service and his vision that he shared with them today for a brighter future has garnered the trust and confidence of not only our fellow citizens but the rest of the world.

Chair Sgro pointed out that Canada and Taiwan share a longstanding friendship based on mutual respect and shared values. She said that as President Lai assumed office today, she is confident our relationship will deepen, fostering cooperation in trade, education, technology, cultural, and various other items that the president mentioned in his speech today.

Chair Sgro said that Taiwan’s economic significance in the Indo-Pacific region promises growth, trade diversification, and stability, contributing to a rules-based international order. Noting that President Lai had just mentioned FIPA, she said the signing of the arrangement underscores Taiwan’s importance as a trade and investment partner, and that it will clearly stimulate sustainable growth and create new opportunities for collaboration and well-paying jobs, both for Canadians as well as for the Taiwanese community. This achievement, she emphasized, showcases Taiwan’s self-reliance and contribution to regional stability.

Chair Sgro expressed hope that the president’s tenure is marked by wisdom, courage, and compassion, adding that they have seen all of that today, bringing peace, prosperity and progress to Taiwan. She said that they look forward to working together on many bilateral issues, as well as success with the CPTPP that they will continue, and that they are discussing what has got to be done in order to get Taiwan as a member.

Also in attendance were Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development Ali Ehsassi, Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Peter Fonseca, Members of Parliament Robert Kitchen, Rachael Thomas, and Stephanie Kusie, Vice Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence Christine Normandin, Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources George Chahal and Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights Lena Metlege Diab.

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