2000-05-20 to 2008-05-20 |
Internal affairs: Completes the following projects: dredging of Keelung River; construction of the Taipei-Yilan Freeway's Hsuehshan Tunnel, Taichung Ching Chuan Kang Airport, and Central Taiwan Science Park; improvement of Kaohsiung's drinking water quality; and building of a rapid transit system in Kaohsiung. |
Financial services sector: Launches the First Financial Reform in 2001 and the Second Financial Reform in 2004. |
Social security: Completes legislation designed to protect the underprivileged, such as farmers, fishermen, women, laborers, and the elderly. Those include: Gender Equality in Employment Act, Protective Act for Mass Redundancy of Employees, Employment Insurance Act, and National Pension Act. |
Policy on ethnic groups: Establishes the Council for Hakka Affairs, Hakka TV, and Taiwan Indigenous TV. Formulates draft of Indigenous Peoples Autonomy Act to push forward autonomy among indigenous peoples. |
Foreign affairs: Seeks admission to the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO), but fails due to Beijing's intervention. However, in January 2002, the ROC becomes a member state of the World Trade Organization (WTO). |
Cross-strait relations: Declares his “Four No's Plus One” policy on May 20, 2000 in his inaugural address, pledging that as long as the PRC does not use military force against Taiwan, his administration would not: 1) declare independence ; 2) change the national title; 3) push for the inclusion of the so-called "state-to-state" description in the Constitution; 4) promote a referendum to change the status quo in regards to the question of independence or unification; and that the abolition of the National Reunification Council or the National Reunification Guidelines will not be an issue. Proposes the “One Country on Each Side” formula in 2002 that emphasizes Taiwan as a sovereign state, whereas mainland China passes the Anti-Separation Law in 2005. In 2007, announces his “Four Imperatives and One Non-issue” policy, saying that it is imperative for Taiwan: 1) to be independent; 2) to rectify its name; 3) to create a new constitution; 4) to develop; and that there exists no issue of left versus right in Taiwan politics, but only the issue of independence versus reunification. |
2008-05-20 |
Leaves office as President at the end of his term. |