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President Tsai meets US Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney  
President Tsai meets US Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney  

While meeting with US Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney at her official residence on the afternoon of October 7, President Tsai Ing-wen thanked the US Congress for supporting Taiwan. She also expressed hope that Taiwan and the United States will work together even more closely to further strengthen our mutually beneficial partnership.

In remarks, President Tsai stated that she was delighted to meet with Congressman Maloney and the congressional staffers. She also thanked Congressman Maloney for his staunch support for Taiwan, particularly his co-sponsorship of the "Taiwan Travel Act," which was signed into law in March last year.

The president also mentioned that Sandra Oudkirk, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands at the US State Department's Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs and US Senior Official for APEC, is in Taipei to attend the first-ever "Pacific Islands Dialogue" and discuss how we can cooperate more closely with Pacific Island nations. Recently, President Tsai said, Taiwan lost two diplomatic allies due to pressure from China. She also thanked the US government for continuing to work with us to respond.

President Tsai pointed out that the US Congress has always led the charge in supporting Taiwan. She thanked the Congress for passing several bills and resolutions to support our participation in international organizations, and called on the US government to further enhance our bilateral cooperation and strengthen our mutually beneficial partnership. In closing, the president once again welcomed her guests to Taiwan.

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