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President Tsai presides over 21st meeting of Presidential Office Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee
President Tsai presides over 21st meeting of Presidential Office Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee

On the afternoon of May 10, President Tsai Ing-wen presided over the 21st meeting of the Presidential Office Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee. In remarks, the president stated that as her term of office is drawing to a close, she wanted to thank all the previous committee members as well as all those involved for their dedication. Their efforts have helped us confront history and take responsibility for errors, she said, allowing transitional justice for indigenous peoples to take root in Taiwan. The president said that when we work together for historical and transitional justice for indigenous peoples, we not only protect equality and justice in Taiwan, but also give encouragement to indigenous peoples in other countries around the world, and this also highlights Taiwan’s democratic values. 

The meeting began with a video outlining the committee’s achievements over the past eight years. After the video, President Tsai delivered remarks, stating that this was the 21st meeting of the committee, and the last meeting of the third-term committee. The president recalled that over seven years ago, she stood in the same place and issued an apology to Taiwan’s indigenous peoples on behalf of the government. After delivering the apology that day, she said, she accepted a sheaf of millet from Capen Nganaen, an elder of the Yami (Tao) people, symbolizing that the spirit of the government’s promotion of historical and transitional justice for indigenous peoples would, like millet, take root and flourish on this land.

President Tsai said that the video they had just viewed reflected the collaborative achievements of the public and private sectors, tribes, and indigenous peoples, allowing everyone to see that the spirit of ethnic mainstreaming and discussion on the basis of equality has not only informed the committee’s dialogue, but has also gradually been assimilated by the government at all levels and civil society.

But depending solely on the committee’s eight years of operations, the president said, is not enough. She stated that we must continue efforts to promote mutual understanding among different ethnic groups in society, and proactively address historical justice for indigenous peoples.

President Tsai stated that historical and transitional justice for indigenous peoples are issues that we must confront together as a society. When we apply our collective efforts to that goal, she said, we not only protect equality and justice in Taiwan, but also give encouragement to indigenous peoples in other countries around the world, and this also highlights Taiwan’s democratic values.

President Tsai then said that shortly, the committee would deliver a status report on its work from 2016 to 2024. We must illustrate the efforts we have made to seek equality and justice over the past eight years to the public, she said, and expressed hope that these accumulated achievements will allow us to take a more diversified approach, and contemplate how we can continue to promote and bring greater historical and transitional justice for indigenous peoples. 

Noting that her term of office will come to a close on May 20, President Tsai expressed her deepest gratitude to all previous committee members, as well as all those involved. Thanks to their dedication, she said, we were able to confront history and take responsibility for errors, which allowed transitional justice for indigenous peoples to take root in Taiwan.

President Tsai closed her remarks by thanking everyone once again for cooperating and sharing this journey with her and the government. With the holiday just two days away, she wished everyone a happy Mother’s Day in advance, and encouraged the committee members to share their perspectives and valuable suggestions.

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