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President Lai meets Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association President Tanizaki Yasuaki
President Lai meets Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association President Tanizaki Yasuaki

On the afternoon of May 20, President Lai Ching-te met with Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association President Tanizaki Yasuaki. President Lai thanked the government of Japan for speaking up for Taiwan at international venues, and for supporting Taiwan’s international participation. The president also stated that Taiwan will actively pursue participation in international organizations and admission to mechanisms for regional economic cooperation such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). He said Taiwan hopes to continue working with Japan, the United States, and other like-minded nations to bolster the resilience of global democracy and jointly realize the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific.

In his remarks, President Lai stated that he was very pleased to meet once again with President Tanizaki, and gave sincere thanks for representing the Japanese government in attending the inauguration ceremony for himself and Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao.

President Lai noted that when Taiwan was struck by a major earthquake last month, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio had promptly expressed that, should Taiwan need it, Japan would be willing to do everything in its power to help. The president indicated that Japan did indeed step in rapidly to lend assistance, as Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a donation of US$1 million to help fund post-earthquake reconstruction work, while the National Diet, local governments and representatives, as well as members of the public all did their part to help and encourage Taiwan through donations and other means. The support was very moving, and much appreciated, he said.

President Lai stated that Taiwan and Japan are partners that support each other. He thanked the government of Japan for speaking up for Taiwan at international venues, and for supporting Taiwan’s international participation. He also stated that Taiwan will actively pursue participation in international organizations and admission to mechanisms for regional economic cooperation such as the CPTPP, as Taiwan hopes to contribute even more to both regional and global prosperity and development.

President Lai mentioned that this year, a summit between the US and Japan, a summit between the US, Japan, and the Philippines, and a G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting have all emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait to world peace and prosperity. He also thanked Japan for the importance that it attaches to Taiwan Strait security issues, and expressed hope that Taiwan can continue working with Japan, the US, and other like-minded nations to bolster the resilience of global democracy and jointly realize the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific.

President Lai added that the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association and the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association were both established more than 50 years ago. He said the two organizations cooperate, and together have overcome many difficulties. They have promoted Taiwan-Japan exchanges in a broad range of fields, he said, and have built up a solid relationship of mutual trust. The president expressed hope that Taiwan and Japan in the future can continue working side-by-side to make our bilateral relationship into an unwavering force for regional peace and prosperity.

President Lai thanked Taiwan’s many friends in the Japanese government and the Diet for coming to take part in Taiwan’s momentous democratic event, and wished everyone a fruitful visit.

President Tanizaki then delivered remarks, first congratulating President Lai for taking office as the 16th-term president of the Republic of China (Taiwan). On behalf of the delegation, he thanked President Lai for his gracious welcome.

President Tanizaki mentioned that President Lai had emphasized in his inaugural address that this election success signals to the world a victory for democracy, adding that Japan shares in the joy of this accomplishment. He further noted that President Lai had also emphasized that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait affect not only regional peace and stability, but are also indispensable to global security and prosperity. President Tanizaki said this also closely aligns with Japan’s view.

President Tanizaki expressed confidence that, under President Lai’s outstanding leadership, Taiwan will certainly have the ability to act as a promoter of regional peace and stability, and to make important contributions. In this regard, he said, Japan would be willing to lend assistance.

President Tanizaki stated that Taiwan and Japan share mutual trust and deep friendship, which form a very important foundation for maintaining regional peace and stability. He expressed hope that in the future, under President Lai’s leadership, the relationship between the two countries can be even further strengthened. Besides attending the inauguration ceremony for President Lai, President Tanizaki said another reason for his delegation’s visit was to represent Japan in delivering the message that his nation firmly believes Taiwan and Japan will continue to develop an even deeper friendship.

Also in attendance at the meeting was Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office Chief Representative Katayama Kazuyuki.

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