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President Lai meets Nippon Foundation Chairman Sasakawa Yohei
President Lai meets Nippon Foundation Chairman Sasakawa Yohei

On the afternoon of May 20, President Lai Ching-te met with a delegation led by Nippon Foundation Chairman Sasakawa Yohei. In remarks, President Lai noted that the Nippon Foundation and Sasakawa Peace Foundation actively engage in maritime policy research and overseas assistance activities, including helping Palau promote its tourism industry, which is beneficial for trilateral Taiwan-Japan-Palau relations. Through more people-to-people exchanges, the president said, he also looks forward to deepening the friendship between Taiwan and Japan and opening up more opportunities for cooperation.

In his remarks, President Lai began by welcoming the guests to the Presidential Office. He noted that Chairman Sasakawa has long promoted overseas assistance activities and is held in high regard in many countries. The president expressed his delight that the delegation led by Chairman Sasakawa attended his and Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao’s inauguration ceremony earlier in the day, which he said was a great honor. He also expressed gratitude to the visitors for showing their support for Taiwan’s democracy through concrete action. 

The people of Taiwan and Japan have a deep friendship and mutual trust, President Lai said. Not just close partners, he said, we are also an interdependent community with a shared destiny in security matters, and there is room in many areas to expand our cooperation.

The president noted that the Nippon Foundation and Sasakawa Peace Foundation have conducted maritime policy research and assistance projects in Pacific islands in recent years. He said that the foundations have also endeavored to help Palau promote its tourism industry, often in cooperation with the Taiwan Technical Mission in Palau, adding that these innovative approaches to cooperation have great significance and help advance trilateral Taiwan-Japan-Palau relations. The president said he looks forward to working with Japan to open up opportunities for cooperation and markets in third countries for mutual benefit. 

President Lai stated that the delegation’s visit is a big step in continuing to develop Taiwan-Japan relations, and that he looks forward to further deepening the friendship between Taiwan and Japan through more people-to-people exchanges. He then wished the delegation a smooth trip.

Chairman Sasakawa then delivered remarks, first thanking President Lai for finding time in his busy schedule to meet with the delegation. The chairman said he was quite moved by the inaugural address President Lai delivered that morning and expressed his sincere respect, especially for the president’s call for citizens to work together toward the future so that people can realize their hopes and dreams, and for his emphasis on the value of freedom and democracy.

Chairman Sasakawa said that for President Lai, comparing the Taiwan-Japan relationship to friendly relations between relatives is more than just words, it is also demonstrated through concrete actions. Especially when a natural disaster strikes or other difficulties arise, the chairman said, we are both ready to extend a helping hand. Providing the example of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011, Chairman Sasakawa noted that President Lai personally visited Sendai in Japan to show support, raise morale, and assist in local disaster relief. Taiwan and Japan share the universal values of freedom and democracy, he said, and he is confident that under President Lai’s leadership, our friendship will surely become even deeper and firmer.

In closing, likening Taiwan to a relative facing difficulties, Chairman Sasakawa said that he will donate US$2 million in aid to Hualien, expressing his hope that it will be of help in the reconstruction effort following the recent earthquake.

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