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President Lai meets Belize Prime Minister John Briceño
President Lai meets Belize Prime Minister John Briceño

On the afternoon of May 21, President Lai Ching-te met with a delegation led by Prime Minister John Briceño of Belize. In remarks, President Lai thanked Belize for supporting Taiwan’s international participation and for conveying concern when Taiwan was struck by an earthquake last month. The president expressed hope that our two countries will deepen cooperation on global issues and continue to work together toward a better future. 

A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:

I recall my first meeting with Prime Minister Briceño in January 2022. I was in Honduras as President Tsai Ing-wen’s envoy to attend the presidential inauguration. At that time, I invited Prime Minister Briceño to visit Taiwan, and we were very pleased that two months later, during the pandemic, Prime Minister Briceño led a delegation to Taiwan in a travel bubble.

During that trip to Taiwan, when I was vice president, I hosted a welcome luncheon for your delegation at the Chimei Museum in Tainan. I also attended a ceremony at Kun Shan University where you received an honorary doctorate – a very special moment. Today, I'm very happy to be able to meet with you again. Now that the pandemic is over, I hope that you and your delegation will experience to the fullest Taiwan's wonderful culture and meet more of our people.

Looking back over the past few years, you have led the government and the people of Belize in successfully responding to the pandemic and a serious hurricane. You have also seen considerable success in promoting infrastructure development and expanding international trade. In the international arena, Belize has hosted several regional summits and participated in international conferences, working with other countries to respond to the challenge of climate change and to promote global sustainable development.

Belize’s strong development has received widespread support and acclaim in the international community. I look forward to continuing to deepen cooperation with Belize on global issues as well as on all of our collaborative projects. 

I would like to especially thank Prime Minister Briceño for standing up for Taiwan on the international stage and supporting our international participation. When Taiwan was struck by an earthquake, Belize promptly expressed concern. We were deeply touched by this gesture of genuine friendship. I'm confident that with your support, our two countries will continue to work together toward a better future. 

Prime Minister Briceño then delivered remarks, congratulating President Lai on assuming office. Pointing to President Lai’s remarkable address the day before, he recognized the president’s remarks on the critical importance of peace and stability to national development. The prime minister stated that Belize continues to advocate for the inclusion of Taiwan in international organizations, including the United Nations. Acknowledging Taiwan’s contribution to the development of global peace and security, he expressed his belief that the inclusion of Taiwan in the work of the UN is a right, not a privilege.

Discussing collaborative projects that strengthen the bond between our countries, Prime Minister Briceño said that our scholarship program and women's economic empowerment projects are important initiatives that empower women and young people. He also stated that we have successfully collaborated on projects to help Belize adapt to the challenges brought on by climate change and to help build capacity in shrimp cultivation.

Mentioning the special bond between our countries, the prime minister said that we can continue to forge a partnership stronger than ever between Belize and Taiwan. He then expressed Belize’s commitment to our partnership, and said that he looks forward to welcoming President Lai to Belize in the future. 

Also in attendance were Belizean Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology Francis Fonseca, and Minister of Health and Wellness Kevin Bernard. The delegation was accompanied to the Presidential Office by Belize Ambassador Candice Pitts.

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