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President Lai meets Singapore delegation to presidential inauguration
President Lai meets Singapore delegation to presidential inauguration

On the afternoon of May 22, President Lai Ching-te met with a delegation from Singapore to attend the inauguration of the 16th-term president and vice president. In remarks, President Lai said that as a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan will continue to work with Singapore and other like-minded countries to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability, and serve as a force for global prosperity. The president stated that moving forward, the new government will continue to work hard to further deepen cooperation between Taiwan and Singapore, promoting mutual prosperity and development.

A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:

It is wonderful to see our friends from Singapore in Taiwan on this special occasion in Taiwan’s democracy. I would like to welcome former Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore Abdullah Tarmugi back to Taiwan. I also want to welcome Members of Parliament Sitoh Yih Pin and Yeo Wan Ling on their first visit.

With Taiwan’s active promotion of the New Southbound Policy over these past several years, our economic and trade relations with Singapore have flourished, and bilateral trade and investment have both repeatedly reached new highs. In addition, cooperation between Taiwan and Singapore in medicine and public health, the startup industry, and joint crime-fighting has yielded many achievements. Moving forward, the new government will continue to work hard to further deepen our cooperation in various domains, such as the economy, trade, semiconductors, and education, promoting mutual prosperity and development.

Taiwan and Singapore both pursue peace and prosperity. As a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan will continue to work with Singapore and other like-minded countries to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability, and serve as a force for global prosperity.

I once again thank former Speaker Abdullah for leading this delegation to Taiwan. May all our distinguished guests enjoy the hospitality and beauty of Taiwan. Please convey my sincere greetings to President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

Former Speaker Abdullah then delivered remarks, first offering their congratulations on President Lai’s inauguration. Noting that this is his third time in Taiwan and that he has attended three inaugurations, he said he is very lucky indeed to be attending President Lai’s inauguration.

Former Speaker Abdullah pointed out that Singapore enjoys a very close and longstanding friendship with Taiwan and the Taiwanese people and that our cooperation has ranged from trade and investments to the cultural and people-to-people sectors.

Former Speaker Abdullah stated that in economics, we are also important longstanding partners, as Taiwan was Singapore’s fourth largest trading partner in 2023, and Singapore, in turn, was Taiwan’s sixth largest trading partner in the same year. The speaker said that he himself and his delegation look forward to continuing their mutually beneficial cooperation with Taiwan.

The delegation was accompanied to the Presidential Office by Singapore Trade Office in Taipei Trade Representative Yip Wei Kiat.

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