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President Lai meets Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre of Saint Lucia
President Lai meets Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre of Saint Lucia

On the afternoon of May 22, President Lai Ching-te met with a delegation led by Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre of Saint Lucia. In remarks, President Lai noted that the youth economy is one of Prime Minister Pierre’s policy priorities, and said that it also aligns with part of his own policy platform to help our youth from birth till age 22. The president said that aside from youth exchanges, the new government very much looks forward to cooperating with Saint Lucia in various projects that are for our mutual benefit. Our cooperation, he said, will help promote our development and prosperity, enriching the lives of both our young people while deepening understanding between our nations.

A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:

On behalf of the people and government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), I would like to start by welcoming Prime Minister Pierre, who is leading a delegation to Taiwan for the third time. For many years, Prime Minister Pierre has greatly valued and supported Taiwan. Your first visit was as deputy prime minister to attend the inauguration of the 13th-term president and vice president. After becoming prime minister, you came a second time for a state visit. On this trip, you personally attended my and Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao’s inauguration, demonstrating the strong bonds of friendship between our nations.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Prime Minister Pierre and his cabinet for expressing their concern and conveying their condolences after last month’s earthquake in Taiwan. You have shown much warmth to the Taiwanese people. This year marks the 45th anniversary of Saint Lucia’s independence. Looking ahead, I hope our countries will continue to work together across many fields and jointly deepen our diplomatic partnership.

Last year at the Presidential Office, I met with a group of international youth ambassadors to Saint Lucia. During a youth forum, Prime Minister Pierre encouraged them to share their school and life experiences in Taiwan with the Saint Lucian students. These youth ambassadors were very delighted to have such encouragement from Prime Minister Pierre.

The youth economy is one of Prime Minister Pierre’s policy priorities. And it also aligns with part of my own policy platform to help our youth from birth till age 22. I hope that by strengthening the public support system, the nation can provide support to its young people, because investing in the next generation means investing in the country’s future.

Aside from youth exchange, the new government very much looks forward to cooperating with Saint Lucia in various projects that are for our mutual benefit. Our cooperation will help promote our development and prosperity, enriching the lives of both our young people while deepening understanding between our nations.

In closing, I want to thank Prime Minister Pierre for continuing to voice support for Taiwan at international venues. Moving forward, I will strengthen Taiwan’s links with Saint Lucia and other allies through the values of democracy, peace, and prosperity. And I look forward to our cooperation generating even more achievements.

Prime Minister Pierre then delivered remarks, first offering President Lai his sincere congratulations, on behalf of the government of Saint Lucia, on his election victory. He said that the endorsement of the people of Taiwan is a testimony of the work that he has done as vice president in the last four years, so they have chosen to make him president.

Prime Minister Pierre stated that what Saint Lucia offers to Taiwan is friendship and respect. He said Saint Lucia sincerely believes in non-interference in the internal affairs of all states, and that each country has a right to determine its own future, for itself and for its people. These are values that Saint Lucia holds very closely to their hearts, he said, and that it expresses any time it is in the international arena.

Prime Minister Pierre said that all the Saint Lucians ask is that they be allowed to develop their young people so they can take their rightful place in the global economy, which is why the youth economy is so important to his nation. The majority of the Saint Lucian population being young people, the prime minister said that they are very enterprising and ambitious, and all they need is an opportunity. Taiwan’s support for Saint Lucia’s youth economy is doing substantially good for the young people, he said, and hundreds of young people are benefitting from Taiwan’s support for youth economy.

Saint Lucia has deemed this year the “year of infrastructure,” which means to them houses, roads, digital infrastructure, and health infrastructure. The entire development of Saint Lucia this year, he said, is going to be based on the development of infrastructure, so they look forward to working with Taiwan for the mutual benefit of all our people.

Prime Minister Pierre stated that Taiwan has a friend in Saint Lucia that it can depend on, a friend that appreciates what Taiwan does for its people. In closing, he extended his best wishes for President Lai and Taiwan.

The delegation was accompanied to the Presidential Office by Saint Lucia Ambassador Robert Kennedy Lewis.

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