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President Lai meets Haiti Ambassador Roudy Stanley Penn
President Lai meets Haiti Ambassador Roudy Stanley Penn

On the afternoon of May 22, President Lai Ching-te met with Republic of Haiti Ambassador Roudy Stanley Penn. President Lai stated that over the past several years, Taiwan and Haiti have continued to deepen cooperation in areas including agriculture, infrastructure development, public health, and education. The president said he looks forward to enhancing friendly interaction and cooperation in the future, fostering greater well-being for both our peoples as we forge ahead on the path to prosperity together. 

President Lai opened his remarks by welcoming Ambassador Penn to the Presidential Office, and thanking him for representing the government of Haiti at the inauguration ceremony for himself and Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao on May 20. Taiwan is the first posting in Ambassador Penn’s diplomatic career, the president said, and over the past three years, he has made outstanding contributions by actively visiting industrial, government, and academic venues and holding various activities to promote exchanges between the people of Taiwan and Haiti.  

President Lai said that he was delighted to experience shrimp fishing a few days ago with Ambassador Penn and members of delegations from various countries. The president expressed hope that the fishing excursion left the ambassador with a deeper impression of Taiwan, as shrimp fishing is a common leisure activity for Taiwanese.  

Over the past several years, the president said, Taiwan and Haiti have continued to deepen cooperation in areas including agriculture, infrastructure development, public health, and education. He said he is confident that in the future, with Ambassador Penn’s assistance, Taiwan and Haiti will enhance friendly interaction and cooperation, fostering greater well-being for both our peoples.

As a key supporter of Taiwan in the international arena, the president said, Haiti is helping Taiwan engage with the world.

President Lai also commented that last month, Haiti established a Transitional Presidential Council, a symbol of its return to the norms of constitutional government. On behalf of the people and government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), he expressed sincere congratulations, and said he looks forward to continuing to develop cooperation in all areas, and forge ahead on the path to prosperity together. 

Ambassador Penn then delivered remarks, stating that he was honored to be posted to Taiwan as Haiti’s ambassador, and on behalf of the people and government of Haiti, he congratulated President Lai on taking office and continuing to lead Taiwan forward. Taiwan and Haiti share the same values, he said, and both countries have a deep desire for the rule of law, social sustainability, and economic development, as well as a longstanding friendship. He went on to say that moving forward, they will continue to deepen bilateral cooperation. 

Ambassador Penn stated that bilateral cooperation in areas including agriculture, energy, culture, and science and technology has yielded many substantive benefits to both our peoples, confirming the importance of our partnership. Looking ahead, he said he hopes to strengthen cooperation with the new government led by President Lai, and looks forward to learning more about Taiwan’s professional expertise in key areas including information technology, renewable energy, natural disaster preparedness, and sustainable development. He said that these areas are essential for Haiti’s development, and that he believes technological and resource exchanges will yield benefits for both countries.

Ambassador Penn expressed gratitude for Taiwan’s support and assistance when Haiti has faced difficulties. He also reaffirmed that going forward, he will continue to work hard to create an even better future for both Taiwan and Haiti, and looks forward to further cooperative projects and strengthening bilateral relations. 

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