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President Lai meets WHA action team
President Lai meets WHA action team

On the morning of June 1, President Lai Ching-te met with members of Taiwan’s World Health Assembly (WHA) action team. In remarks, President Lai stated that standing on the front lines, the team fought for the human right to health for both Taiwan and the world. He also thanked the international community for their support for Taiwan. The president said that Taiwan is an indispensable member of the international community when it comes to ensuring global health security. In addition, he said that one of the new government’s goals is to create a healthier Taiwan, as we want our people to live longer and healthier, and that we want to leverage Taiwan’s strengths in public health and medicine. He said we will continue to deepen our partnerships with other countries as we build an even more resilient global public health system, and that a healthy Taiwan will help make the world a better place.

A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:

I would like to warmly welcome our partners from the WHA action team back from Geneva, and express my appreciation for your hard work and efforts. Standing on the front lines, you fought for the human right to health for both Taiwan and the world, and we thank you for giving it your all. Your flight only just arrived at 7 a.m., but I can see that everyone is still in high spirits. You have truly put in your heart for Taiwan, and once again, I thank you all.

It is regrettable that at this year’s WHA, constrained by political factors, a proposal item for Taiwan to join as an observer was not included in the agenda yet again. However, the hard work of our WHA action team over the years has already borne fruit. Last year, the Ministry of Health and Welfare signed MOUs with the public health agencies of the Czech Republic, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and bilateral talks this year included discussion on substantive cooperation.

The bilateral talks carried out by our action team in Geneva were not only more numerous this year, but also involved officials of even higher level. The team also held professional forums addressing important issues of the WHA in cooperation with various medical and health organizations. This is all proof of Taiwan’s contribution toward global public health and the human right to health. The steps we take for Taiwan to participate in world health affairs will not falter.

Support for Taiwan from the international community grows stronger year by year. This year, 26 member states of the World Health Organization and the European Union, which is an observer, directly or indirectly voiced their support for Taiwan’s participation in the WHA. Their support reaffirms that Taiwan is an indispensable member of the international community when it comes to ensuring global health security.

Health knows no borders. Health is a basic human right. One of the new government’s goals is to create a healthier Taiwan. We want our people to live longer and healthier. And we also want to leverage Taiwan’s strengths in public health and medicine, as we deepen our cooperation with other countries and work together to advance the health of humankind and global sustainable development.

I want to thank the member states for their support for Taiwan. I also want to once again thank the members of the WHA action team and our many friends, both here and outside of Taiwan, for their hard work on this issue. Moving forward, we will continue to deepen our partnerships with other countries as we build an even more resilient global public health system. So just as democratic Taiwan continues to shine its light upon the world, a healthy Taiwan will help make the world a better place. On that note, let us keep working together toward these goals.

After President Lai concluded his remarks, Minister of Health and Welfare Chiu Tai-yuan (邱泰源) presented a photo collage to show President Lai some of the highlights of the action team’s activities in Geneva.

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