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President Lai meets Tuvalu Speaker of Parliament Iakoba Taeia Italeli
President Lai meets Tuvalu Speaker of Parliament Iakoba Taeia Italeli

On the morning of September 12, President Lai Ching-te met with a delegation led by Speaker of the Parliament of Tuvalu Iakoba Taeia Italeli and his wife. In remarks, President Lai thanked Tuvalu for its longstanding support for Taiwan’s international participation, for speaking up for Taiwan on the international stage, and for defending Taiwan’s right to participate in the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF). The president expressed hope that our two countries will continue to collaborate closely in various areas and deepen our partnership as we work together for the sustainable development of the Pacific region.

A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:

I extend a warm welcome to Speaker Italeli, who is visiting Taiwan for the first time since assuming his post in February. Speaker Italeli has been a friend of Taiwan for many years. During his tenure as governor-general of Tuvalu, he visited Taiwan twice and warmly received former President Tsai Ing-wen on her visit in 2017.

The visit of Speaker Italeli, his wife, and this distinguished delegation fully demonstrates Tuvalu’s support and regard for our diplomatic ties. On behalf of the Republic of China (Taiwan), I extend my sincerest gratitude.

Over the years, Taiwan and Tuvalu have collaborated closely in such areas as healthcare, agriculture and fisheries, Austronesian culture, and information and communications technology, yielding fruitful results. Both our nations face the challenges posed by climate change. In this regard, we have been working and sharing experiences with like-minded nations, including the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. These efforts are helping to strengthen Tuvalu’s protection of its coasts and enhance its resilience in adapting to climate change.

Just last month, the Global Cooperation and Training Framework held a workshop for the first time in Tuvalu. Speakers from Taiwan, Japan, and Australia gathered to share how climate change has impacted their countries and discuss what policies have been implemented in response. In the future, we look forward to working with Tuvalu to promote various international cooperation projects and supporting each other on the international stage so as to deepen our partnership across many domains and further elevate our diplomatic ties.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Speaker Italeli and the government of Tuvalu for their longstanding support for Taiwan’s international participation, including speaking up for Taiwan at such international fora as the United Nations General Assembly and the World Health Assembly. And at the PIF held last month, Tuvalu actively defended Taiwan’s right to participate in the forum. This has allowed our nations to contribute to global prosperity and development together.

Taiwan and Tuvalu are members of the Pacific family. I believe that with your support, our partnership will grow even deeper and the scope of our cooperation will further broaden. Let us work together for the sustainable development of the Pacific region.

Speaker Italeli then delivered remarks, extending his congratulations to President Lai on his recent election as president of Taiwan. He added that this is a momentous achievement and that they look forward to working closely with President Lai during his tenure. The speaker mentioned that he has had the privilege of visiting Taiwan on several occasions, having met with former President Ma Ying-jeou during his tenure as governor-general of Tuvalu and with former President Tsai Ing-wen, with whom he had the opportunity to discuss various issues. Now, he stated, as he makes his first visit to Taiwan in his capacity as speaker of the Parliament of Tuvalu, he is filled with great anticipation and enthusiasm.

On behalf of the government and the people of Tuvalu, Speaker Italeli extended their deepest thanks to the Republic of China (Taiwan) for the steadfast support and generosity. He noted that our contributions have profoundly transformed their nation and that they deeply appreciate the strength and the depth of our partnership. 

Speaker Italeli remarked on his time as minister of health from 2006 to 2010, saying that he is particularly proud of his role in developing a bilateral agreement that established a mobile medical team from Taiwan to Tuvalu. The initiative, he pointed out, was pivotal in fostering a sister hospital relationship between Princess Margaret Hospital in Tuvalu and Chung Shan Medical University Hospital in Taiwan, ensuring essential medical care and services for those in need. 

Noting that Taiwan’s support extends beyond healthcare to include vital development projects, Speaker Italeli said that such funding has been crucial in addressing immediate needs and fostering sustainable growth. He said that the marine cable project will significantly enhance their national connectivity, bridging gaps and expanding access to information and opportunities for their people. He also said that they deeply appreciate Taiwan’s role in improving Tuvalu’s agricultural sector, which is critical for their nation’s food security and economic stability, as well as fisheries, contributing to sustainable development and economic growth.

Speaker Italeli stated that Tuvalu acknowledges the significant influence of global economics and military powers, yet their commitment to Taiwan remains unwavering, emphasizing that they will continue to uphold it with the same dedication that has defined our 45 years of friendship. He stated that Tuvalu will persist in advocating for Taiwan’s recognition in international institutions and seek to elevate our relationship further, ensuring continued mutual benefits.

Speaker Italeli expressed deep appreciation for the warm hospitality extended to him and his delegation, adding that this graciousness has made their visit both memorable and meaningful. He then extended a heartfelt invitation to President Lai to visit their beautiful country of Tuvalu, saying that they would be honored to host him and further strengthen our ties in person. 

In closing, Speaker Italeli offered their deepest gratitude to the Republic of China (Taiwan) for our continued support and cooperation, noting that our contributions have addressed immediate needs and laid the foundation for long-term growth and prosperity. He said he looks forward to strengthening our partnership and continuing our work together for the benefit and the betterment of the lives of our respective peoples.

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