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Presidential Office thanks Czech Republic for vaccine donation
Presidential Office thanks Czech Republic for vaccine donation

In response to the Czech Republic's donation of 30,000 Moderna COVID-19 vaccine doses, which arrived in Taiwan in the evening of August 29, Presidential Office Spokesperson Xavier Chang (張惇涵) said that the Presidential Office is sincerely grateful to the Czech government for its timely assistance, and is deeply thankful to the Czech parliament and people for their support for Taiwan. The Presidential Office also thanked Taiwan's diplomatic team and many friends whose work helped facilitate the prompt delivery of these vaccines, at a time when international vaccine supply remains unstable.

Spokesperson Chang noted that, since April 1, 2020, when Taiwan and the Czech Republic signed a joint statement on cooperation to fight COVID-19, Taiwan has donated more than 1 million face masks, as well as face mask production equipment and other medical supplies, to the Czech Republic. Moreover, on April 28 this year, the Czech Senate also passed its first-ever resolution supporting Taiwan's participation in the World Health Assembly. 

Quoting Czech Republic Senate President Miloš Vystrčil, who said that "because Taiwan helped the Czech Republic during the pandemic, this is a way to return the favor and show the Czech government's support for Taiwan," Spokesperson Chang cited the donation as yet another example of the virtuous cycle created by democratic countries supporting one another in the fight against the global pandemic.

Spokesperson Chang said the people of Taiwan are deeply moved by the Czech Republic's support, and stated that we will continue to strengthen cooperation with the Czech Republic and other like-minded countries, working together as a force for good to contain COVID-19 and safeguard our shared values.

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