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President Lai meets President Hilda C. Heine of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
President Lai meets President Hilda C. Heine of the Republic of the Marshall Islands

On the morning of May 22, President Lai Ching-te met with a delegation led by President Hilda C. Heine of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. In remarks, President Lai welcomed President Heine and her delegation, who are in Taiwan for his and Vice President Bi-Khim Hsiao’s inauguration. He stated that their visit not only marks a new chapter in the friendship between our countries, it also shows that we continue to stand together in advancing the values of democracy and freedom. Going forward, President Lai said he will lead the new administration in advancing democratic, peaceful, and prosperous development in Taiwan. He added that he looks forward to working with President Heine to advance collaborative programs and foster peaceful and prosperous development in the region.

A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:

On behalf of the people and government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), I would like to start by welcoming President Heine and her delegation, who are in Taiwan for the inauguration of myself and Vice President Bi-Khim Hsiao. Your visit not only marks a new chapter in the friendship between our countries, it also shows that we continue to stand together in advancing the values of democracy, freedom, and respect for human rights.

Over the past few years, our nations have enjoyed an increase in exchanges. We have established firm foundations for cooperation in areas including medicine and public health, agricultural technology, women’s empowerment, and climate change response. In 2019, President Heine and former President Tsai Ing-wen jointly promoted the launch of a small loan revolving fund, which has helped many Marshallese women start their own businesses. This is an excellent example of our successful cooperation.

Going forward, I will lead the new administration in advancing democratic, peaceful, and prosperous development in Taiwan. I look forward to working together with President Heine, especially in the fields of women’s empowerment and climate change response, to expand exchanges and make further progress.

The government of the Marshall Islands has long spoken up for Taiwan at international venues. Last month, the Marshallese parliament passed resolutions supporting Taiwan’s participation in various international organizations and reaffirming the strong friendship between our countries. I want to again express my deepest appreciation on behalf of the people of Taiwan to President Heine and all our Marshallese friends.

I look forward to working with President Heine, to advance collaborative programs, further the well-being of our peoples, and foster peaceful and prosperous development in the region.

Next month, the Marshall Islands will host the Micronesian Games. I wish you a successful tournament and I hope that you and your delegation enjoy a fruitful visit in Taiwan.

President Heine then delivered remarks and said that she is honored to be here in Taiwan for the presidential inauguration. Noting that this year marks 26 years of diplomatic ties between our two nations, she stated that the relationship between our free and democratic nations is a close and unique one built on our common Austronesian heritage, and one that is made stronger by our commitment to freedom, justice, and the rule of law.

President Heine said that the Marshall Islands is committed to our bilateral relationship. She added that the support the Marshall Islands has received from the Republic of China (Taiwan) has been invaluable for its citizens and national development, especially in the areas of health, education, agriculture, and climate change response.

She emphasized that the Republic of the Marshall Islands will remain a staunch ally and continue to voice loud support for Taiwan on the international stage. President Heine then thanked President Lai once again and said she looks forward to working closely with the new government.

Marshall Islands Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Kalani Kaneko was also in attendance at the meeting. The Marshallese delegation was accompanied to the Presidential Office by Ambassador of the Marshall Islands to Taiwan Anjanette Kattil.

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