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President Lai receives congratulations from foreign guests attending 2024 National Day celebration
President Lai receives congratulations from foreign guests attending 2024 National Day celebration

On the morning of October 10 at the Presidential Office Building, President Lai Ching-te and the First Lady, accompanied by Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao, received congratulations from members of the foreign diplomatic corps and foreign organizations stationed in Taiwan, as well as guests from around the world attending the 2024 National Day Celebration of the Republic of China.

From 9:30 a.m. more than 140 foreign guests, including Prime Minister Feleti Teo of Tuvalu, who was accompanied by his wife, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum, and Mining Cordel Hyde of Belize, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Works, Land and Surveys and Physical Planning Montgomery Daniel of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Senate President Alvina Reynolds and Speaker Claudius Francis of Saint Lucia, and Minister of State Gustav Aitaro of the Republic of Palau, came forward in turn to offer congratulations to President Lai and Vice President Hsiao, who expressed their appreciation to them for attending the celebration. Secretary-General to the President Pan Men-an (潘孟安) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍) were also in attendance.

In addition to the delegation led by Prime Minister Teo and those from our other diplomatic allies, foreign guests who came to offer their congratulations included US Congresspersons Debbie Lesko, Andy Biggs, and Carol Miller, who was accompanied by her husband; a Japanese Diet congratulatory delegation: Japanese House of Councillors Members Santo Akiko, Yamamoto Junzo, Takinami Hirofumi, Umemura Mizuho, and Wada Masamune; Members of the Scottish Parliament Jamie Greene, Rhoda Grant, and Karen Adam; Dean of the Diplomatic Corps and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Ambassador Andrea Clare Bowman and other members of the diplomatic corps; representatives of foreign organizations stationed in Taiwan: American Institute in Taiwan Taipei Office Director Raymond Greene, who was accompanied by his wife, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office Chief Representative Katayama Kazuyuki, who was accompanied by his wife, Head of the European Economic and Trade Office Lutz Guellner, who was accompanied by his wife, Singapore Trade Office in Taipei Trade Representative Yip Wei Kiat, Australian Office in Taipei Representative Robert Niel Fergusson, Canadian Trade Office in Taipei Executive Director James Stafford Nickel, who was accompanied by his wife, French Office in Taipei Director Franck Paris, German Institute Taipei Director General Jörg Wolfram Polster, who was accompanied by his wife, and British Office Taipei Representative John Dennis.

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