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Nation Guest
Kingdom of Eswatini H.M. King Mswati III
Inkhosikati LaFogiyane
Hon. Pholile Shakantu
H.E. Amb. Promise Sithembiso Msibi
Mrs. Futhi Brightness Msibi
Nation Guest
Republic of the Marshall Islands H.E. Hilda C. Heine, Ed. D
First Gentleman Thomas Kijiner, Jr.
Hon. Kalani R. Kaneko
Mrs. Lorraine Kaneko
H.E. Amb. Anjanette Kattil
Nation Guest
Republic of Palau H.E. Surangel S. Whipps, Jr.
First Lady Valerie R. Whipps
Hon. Gustav Aitaro
H.E. Amb. Hersey Kyota
H.E. Amb. David Adams Orrukem
Mrs. Janet Ebil Orrukem
Nation Guest
Republic of Paraguay Excmo. Sr. Santiago Peña Palacios
S.E. Dr. Raúl Luis Latorre Martínez
S.E. Emb. Rubén Ramírez Lezcano
S.E. Sr. Emb. Carlos José Fleitas Rodríguez
Nation Guest
Belize Hon. John Briceño
Hon. Francis Fonseca
H.E. Amb. Dr. Candice Augusta Pitts
Nation Guest
Saint Lucia Hon. Philip J. Pierre
Ms. Marie Felix
Hon. Alva R. Baptiste
H.E. Amb. Robert Kennedy Lewis
Mrs. Brenda Phanis-Lewis
Nation Guest
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Dr. the Hon. Ralph E. Gonsalves
Madame Eloise Gonsalves
H.E. Amb. Andrea Clare Bowman
Nation Guest
Tuvalu Hon. Feleti Penitala Teo
Madame Tausaga Teo
Ms. Silafaga Lalua O'Brien
Nation Guest
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis Hon. Dr. Geoffrey Hanley
H.E. Amb. Donya Lynex Francis
Nation Guest
Republic of Guatemala Excmo. Sr. Emb. Carlos Ramiro Martínez
Excmo. Sr. Emb. Oscar Adolfo Padilla Lam
Sra. Leslie Garcia de Padilla
Nation Guest
The Holy See H.E. Arch. Charles John Brown
Rev. Msgr. Stefano Mazzotti
Nation Guest
Republic of Haiti H.E. Amb. Roudy Stanley Penn
Nation Guest
Republic of Somaliland Hon. Said Jama Ali
United States of America Mr. Brian Deese
Mr. Richard Armitage
American Institute Dr. Richard C. Bush
American Institute in Taiwan, Taipei Office Hon. Sandra Oudkirk
Japan Hon. Keiji Furuya
Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, Taipei Office Hon. Yasuaki Tanizaki
Hon. Dr. Kazuyuki Katayama
Japan Mrs. Akie ABE
Republic of Singapore Hon. Abdullah Tarmugi
Singapore Trade Office in Taipei Hon. Yip Wei Kiat
European Parliament Hon. Rasa Juknevičienė
European Economic and Trade Office Hon. Filip Grzegorzewski
Commonwealth of Australia Hon. Raff Ciccone
Hon. David Fawcett
Canada Hon. Judy Sgro
Mr. Sam Sgro
French Republic Hon. Rachid Temal
Federal Republic of Germany Hon. Klaus-Peter Willsch
Republic of Indonesia Dr. Rokhmin Dahuri Ismail
Dr. Pigoselpi Anas Zaidan
Italian Republic Hon. Gian Marco Centinaio
Republic of Korea Hon. Cho, Kyoung Tae
Republic of Lithuania H.E. Dalia Grybauskaitė
Slovak Republic Hon. Ondrej Dostál
Kingdom of Sweden Hon. Margareta Cederfelt
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Lord Rogan
Lord Faulkner
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